Ratings for one liners who are really bad at it

How do we rate those volunteers? There are some with really atrocious translations who really mess up the flow of the subtitles.

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I believe we can inform the help center telling them who they are or we could pm them ourselves if their traslation is awful.
However we should also educate them that when they contribute with the one line they should then check the drama series they contributed by checking their profile and make sure that their translation is correct and make sense with the dialogue before and after.

That’s why the one-liners are such a bad idea. I think viki should get rid of this feature. Even the best translator can make a stupid mistake in translating a line completely out of context.


I would tell the channel manager.
I had a work with missing subs according to one viewer. None of the editors are editor/segmenters so we need someone who can fill and seg. I referred viewer to channel manager.

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I can’t even express how much I hate one-liners. How could you correct a subtitle starting from the middle of a sentence or when there is a reason a certain word or expression was used and that reason can be found three subtitles above or below?

I wonder whose idea was to be able to translate out of context.


When I was new, I did such rating, and I thought some subs were off, BUT little did I Iknow then that subs are made to uphold the meaning and not a word by word translation, just think english idioms, lol!!

I agree with some, this rating stuff even one liners is a gray zone place, because if you don’t know what the line refers to, even like in German, French or other languages that use honorifics, if you don’t know the content, you can’t make great subs… It’s perhaps a fun thing at the beginning though.
As for the ratings since you get only half of the info, it’s impossible to rate correctly and one needs to be generous but in the end this is not a solution.


When I’m referring to atrocious translations, I really mean it.

Some were obviously from Google translations and other recent translations threw the entire story line out.

Eg. Stepmom translated as innocent party when she was the schemer - biological mom was the innocent party. One of the guys committed suicide - he wasn’t murdered. One of the female cast was drugged and not raped.

Yes, we shouldn’t do direct word translations as there are different idioms which can’t be expressed in other languages especially for Chinese proverbs. For old Chinese proverbs, I don’t even want to dwell into it - it gives me headaches…:grin: These are really hard to translate and I don’t do them if I’m not entirely sure as I don’t have the confidence to get the correct message through.

Even some common Chinese words can’t be directly translated, eg. 加油 (direct word translation is “add oil”. It actually means to “do your best”, “keep it up”, “good luck” etc - depending on how it’s used. In Japanese, it’s widely expressed as “Ganbatte”. The source is obviously from Google translate.

I still see a lot of “add oil” in the translations. Sigh…

Think one liners should go…