
this hasn’t been opened for quite some time, but thought I would share, also its a ministry in itself, and gives back to the community, anywhere you are…


plastic mats for the homeless

  1. plastic bags (6-700) to make the mat
    2 cut them up
    3 connect them (called plarn)
    4 then crochet them together

time, energy, effort, a ,desire to help your community, giving back to the community, and helping others a ministry in itself


found the link.

Home » Crafts & DIY » How To Make Plarn Projects With Plastic Yarn


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Plarn It! How To Make Plastic Yarn and free plarn patterns for crafters.Plarn is the craft of the day.

I hear you, plarn? What is plarn? Plastic yarn crafted by recycling plastic bags.

Definition Of Plarn

Plarn is yarn made from plastic bags. If you own a collection of plastic bags, and I know you do…. then making plarn is very simple and quick to ‘manufacture.’ Once you create the plarn, there are many fun and upcycle projects any knitter, crocheter or DIY er can make.

Although plarn does not garner an entry in Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, technically plarn is defined as plastic yarn.

Plarn Projects

Indeed there are a vast variety of items which can be made into plarn. One of the most popular plastic yarn crafts is the crochet shopping bag. A wonderful plastic yarn craft, particularly for grocery shopping.

Your creativity and imagination are the only constraint as to what can be made into plarn. A few of the popular plarn projects include:

  • throw rugs
  • purses
  • wristlets
  • sandals
  • basket
  • tops
  • hats
  • costumes
  • wall hangings and art
    (Me) those things to put under plants, like those plastic dishes we put under the plants.
  • and my favorite the plarn mat

heres another , making baby hats

entirely different subject, but its recycle

this guy transforms tires into doggie beds

the link for the story


Neat idea, and artsy too! :art: :paintbrush: :blush:


that is a neat idea, so the water won;t drain off onto the yard!

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now this looks neat! I will look into this one today, boy the cd’s I can use!!

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oh I did, now gonna work on it!!

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Growing Onions in recycled plastic bottle.

Seems wasteful. Why not just use spring onions, if you just want the leaf? You can regrow the onion with just a little bit of the bottom part along with roots, might have to soak it in water for a few days.

The use of recyled plastic?

Using the whole onion.

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Create a garden from plastic bottles :open_mouth:!


Don’t know if this is considered recycling but this was my grandmother or great grandmothers purs that I used yesterday and as we have had the same size when it comes to clothes for at least 4 generations i have alot in my wardrobe (things had better quality in the days). When it comes to other things I try be creative with the things around me.


The females have been around 150-160cm and small (I can use some things from the childrens part of the store, not shoes thought I have big feet). I think is nice that I can use so many things but once I used a dress and I didn’t think about that the fabric should have been prepared before using so the seems was starting to dessolv during a party so now days I know how and what to do before just taking something out… :wink:


I do crochet but my home is full of things from my ancestors, even the furniture is inherited. :wink:



:watermelon: Budding watermelons from the seed, :smiley: and in a plastic cup. These are plastic cups, but plastic nonetheless. :watermelon:

Hi @frustratedwriter,
Your post above, like @maria_lavendula_77 's above, is not best suited for this opened topic.

Recycling - #37 by frustratedwriter

[quote=“leerla73, post:34, topic:41311”]
The exception here is stardust_24’s opened topic is focused on plastic. Take a look. :slightly_smiling_face:

It figures, if they are removing the past linked videos, they should remove the post. All previous videos went into the black hole. :hole: :eyes:

They should not. They should keep their filthy fingers off our posts, including the videos.


:rofl::rofl::joy: I can’t with you @mirjam_465! :joy::rofl::rofl:


Well here’s the definition or meaning of recycle, it is as the word says re-cycle, another cycle of life or reuse:

We are just thinking because of the recycling we do for paper, plastic, glas, batteries and that sort it concern those materials, but it’s actually for anything that finds another purpose or using.

And then there is upcycle or upcycling producing with an used material another product. Some clothing is made from plastic bottles… polyester


Using plastic Bottles for irrigation, and plastic drums for a field.
:seedling: :beans: :seedling:
Beansprouts, how to grow, and harvest year round.
:seedling: :beans: :seedling:

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