I know! right! What kind of gramma am I anyway…
Come and join us this Thursday! It looks like the winning choice will be Gourmet Dynasty
We have a separate thread for our Watch Parties
Not sleepy, but I should pay more attention I’ll get a break in half an hour.
Amazing, I’ll try organize all my job to join!
Thank you!
that one I can open the watch party! @porkypine90_261
we’ll see you on Thursday We also do Sunday afternoons What is your time zone? The shows are at 1 PM eastern time
This is the thread where the hosts share the links and give updates on the episodes we’re watching.
We vote for our next Watch Party drama here:
You can vote, too!
My time zone is DF (GMT-3), it’s one hours more then that eastern time.
Thank you!!!
See those filters!
For me appear that way too!
Watch party is allowed only for certain shows
Has anyone of you tried Missing?
Or are you looking for something light, with action, or …?
It’s available for me in Italy
No, It was about Iljimae specifically. People have wanted to see it for a long time but it was not available until recently. I can see Iljimae in the US but other people in the US can not. So I was going to try the watch party option to see if the other people in the US could get in that way but a watch party is not an option on my side. It’s just strange.
( Lol Unless Idaho has become a ‘special’ region because the refuse-to-pay-their-taxes whackos in the northern part of the state have successfully succeded Idaho from the union. Boy! We are in deep doo-doo if they get their way. )
So politics aside, it is weird that some can see the show while others can not.
Maybe it is a status thing, sometimes QCs have access while others don’t?
Maybe. That would entail other QCs to try it out.
I think the last time I was looking at the channel it was unavailable, about 2-3 weeks ago.
Now I have access, but I live in Germany and I am QC, but it seems at least here it doesn’t matter, if you are QC or not.
Okay, what else could there be - the Viki Pass version?
I’d love to watch this too! I can see the popcorn bucket but it seems there’s a glitch with it, and not just for this drama.
Steps I’ve taken, 1 to 4 and back to 1, all over again lol.
I’ve tried, but it’s a “no go” for this watch party We’ll all have to watch it on our own. At least till the glitch is fixed.
is not the popcorn bucket you normally see on the drama page. As long as you do not see it there - right next to the watch list box, then it is not working.
@sweetybirdtoo @porkypine90_261
It seems we can see in US but no pop corn bucket either on my end.
I’m having a hard time watching because is ‘‘buffering’’ constantly.
I’ll try today later on;. will make a report of video buffering to see if it can be corrected.