RESOLVED - resume work

RESOLVED - resume work

@here SEGMENTERS ARE ON STRIKE! HALT ALL SEGMENTING ACTIVITY ON EVERY SHOW until Viki resolves the problems they’ve created.

Look at this NONSENSE! Viki has DESTROYED the ability of segmenters to do their jobs!


No more workarounds just so we can do our jobs. VIKI FIX THE MESS YOU’VE CAUSED.

[Viki Community] New restrictions for assigned languages - #15 by porkypine
My students can NOT LEARN HOW TO COMBINE LANGUAGES in pre-subbed shows!! They are blocked!
We get this screen: No access!


Wow, they’re pretty much forcing us to strike whether we want to or not…

NSSA final exams are also A&C E&P, so RIP to those students too


The Segmenting Academy is undergoing changes to adapt to the new A&C on multiple languages, changing their program to teach students how to work on those shows using the Bulk Translator.
But now it’s all for nothing. They can’t even work on their final exam due to this new update…


I am talking with Beverly now. It impacts everything Segmenters do. We are going on strike until Viki fixes this mess.


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Guys, Viki didn’t do that on purpose. Otherwise they would have mentioned the segmenters in their post. The situation sucks, but give Viki time to react!
We all know that Viki doesn’t always think through their changes completely, but they react relatively quickly when there are real problems with their changes.
I think initiating a strike immediately is wrong. If Viki doesn’t react, you can do that, but the problem has only been known since this morning…

If you don’t want to add the Segger as All Language, you can choose the time-consuming method of changing the subtitles in the segment timer each time. We still have the option as segmenter, the restriction in the segment timer only applies to subber/editor/moderator. However, the length of the subtitles is limited there, which leads to losses.

I worked this way this morning to avoid delays in the release of the first episode of a BL. It took much longer and was very annoying, but it works (my subtitles were all short enough).

Alternatively, you can add new seggers as subbers in the affected languages, then they won’t have the permissions that an ALM has if you think they’ll immediately cause problems.


We must call for a strike NOW ! HALT ALL SEGMENTING WORK NOW! because many teams are granting crazy workaround access to segmenters just so they can do their jobs! They are granting Moderator with ALS and/ or editor or subber access for Portuguese, Spanish, and French! this is not good!

and WHY should segmenters spend crazy amounts of time just to workaround the mess that ViKI created? STRIKE! HALT ALL WORK!


The problem has been known for less than 24 hours. Viki has not yet had time to react properly. I will not go on strike immediately.
If Viki doesn’t respond within a reasonable time, I can think about it, but not immediately.

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Are you granting workaround access to your team members so they can do their work? Granting moderator with all languages or editor or subber access for every language needed? Most segmenters are not qualified to be listed as a language subber or editor! This violates Viki’s anti-abuser policy!

We need to HALT WORK until Viki resolves the problem they’ve created. I have several active teams AND STUDENTS who can’t do their jobs. I don’t want the CMS to start granting workaround access. I refuse to do adjust only work or set up workarounds.


Yes, my Segger have been given access as an All Language for my current project. They are all experienced seggers and moderators/editors/subtitlers. They know how to handle this role.

For the project that will start in a few days, the CM has been informed about the problem. But we still have time. Viki can solve the problem in advance. If Viki can’t do it before then, I will either do the work myself or the segmenters will get ALM access.

I’m not against a strike in principle, but Viki has already said that it was an unintentional oversight. They are working on the problem. So I have no reason to go on strike. It would be different if Viki ignored the problem and did nothing.


What you seem to forget is that granting MODERATOR access to segmenters was something that was disallowed by Viki back when we first started getting multiple language shows. General segmenters are NOT moderators, even when qualified and trusted. They are NOT the chief segmenter. I myself, do not have moderator access when I am a general segmenter on shows. You are creating a workaround. We need to STOP WORK. Do not create workarounds until Viki fixes our access, Simply HALT WORK


The solution is adding every segger as all languages mod, as Alex is doing and as we did in the past. If Viki wants to ban this, they can do so when the problem is fixed. Going on “strike” won’t make Viki work harder to fix it. They’ll just ask the cm to skip the segmenting. As long as there is a “way around it”, is not that bad. At least we can do this. And is not like we do volunteer to please Viki, we do it because we like the shows and working on them. Going on strike will just be punishing us.


It is not intended to make Viki work harder, The STOP WORK is to prevent creating unnecessary workaround access to get a job done. People are complicating things by granting workaround access. Simply STOP WORK until Viki fixes the mess they’ve created. Why is this so hard to comprehend?


Why you think adding seggers as all language mod is making things complicated? The way I see it, this is the fastest way to temporarily fix the access until Viki can make the changes. If that takes too much the is pretty valid making a halt so they see it. But before that I don’t see this as any less complicated than just add the seggers as all languages mod.


sigh Yes, MODERATOR with ALL LANGUAGES access DOES allow people to get the work done. While we trust the people we hire, all language moderator access grants them access they should not have as a segmenter. The CS - YES! Team segmenters - NO.
The STOP WORK is just temporary until Viki in Singapore has time to wake up and fix the mess. Hopefully, they will roll it back. Then all you guys will waste time reversing all your workarounds.


Maybe this will be fast. Let’s hope.


I think they fixed it because, I just saw the other languages and they looked normal. Or does the change only affect coming soon dramas, not sure just thought i’d share.


Since you’re set up as a Spanish subber and can see Portuguese subtitles, they didn’t fix it, but probably undid it and are still working on it.


Does this mean that seggers can continue with their work until they find a better solution, at least?


Yes. Segmenter can continue with their work.


viki tech staff can undo their change as rapidly as it was instituted. As the prof at the University of Illniois said in my very first IT class in 1963 “IT people are the most un-user-friendly people in the world. They don’t think about the end-user.”