SEGMENTERS PLEASE VISIT HERE! Some Helpful Advice for Current and Potential Aspiring Segmenters

You are very welcome traveler222. In case you want some guided assistance, we also have a program designed to help segmenters refresh:

You can sign up for it here:

We have more updated segmenting resources here:

Feel free to leave a comment here if you have other questions!

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Thank you for the invite, amypun.

I signed up on the waiting list. I hope you don’t mind that I’ve done segmenting already. I started on my own a few years back, but I know I make mistakes. I want to learn to do it correctly, so looking forward to starting training.


You’re welcome traveler222. Having some experience in the past should help you adapt to the training. Please review the segmenting guide from the links I’ve sent you so you can prepare ahead while waiting on the list. There will be a written exam and segmenting exams to pass (90% and 93% respectively) before you can graduate for the Ninja Badge.

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Dear all Followers of this thread and aspiring Ninja Applicants:

Please do not use the old application form from our first post dated January 2014. Please apply using this form below:

Alternatively, you can apply using Ninja Academy Website:

Or Please visit our Channel Homepage and right click on the apply here button to open a new window to the application form:

Thanks and have a Great New Years,
AmyPun (Channel Manager of Ninja Segging and Subbing Academy)


Dear Aspiring Segmenters and Avid Vikians,

Ninja Segging and Subbing Academy is finally in its third year of operation. Thank you for everyone’s continuous support and participation—this project wouldn’t be the same without all of you! To commemorate this special milestone, we are celebrating with a series of activities, awesome prizes sponsored by Viki, and an online chat to interact with the amazing global community. Let’s have fun and continue our journey on Viki together in the years to come!

Ninja 3RDversary activities run from February 18 at 9AM PST to March 5, 2017 at 9AM PST!

Please come visit our Viki Homepage for more details:

We have a special edition of Ninja Blog to introduce you to our celebrations:

Also a series of events you can sign up for:

Do you have a Viki new years resolution yet? If you don’t, perhaps Ninja Academy will be an interesting goal on your list? You can watch a personal testimony from our graduate Piranna here about what our academy has to offer!

Thanks again for everyone’s love and support. We will continue to do our best in the years to come!

AmyPun & Mazza (Channel Managers of Ninja Academy)


How much time should first timer segmenters reserve and how would you usually reserve parts. Also is it possible to get hand on segmenting practice before you try to segment a video and mess it up?

HI!! I would suggest you start with and sign up for the sandbox. This will give you a good idea of what segmenting is all about and you’ll get to actually try out segmenting. After going through the sandbox, you can enter into the Academy and learn in more depth. After graduating you will receive a special avatar from Viki so that those recruiting will know you’ve completed the training. The time it takes to go through the program will all depend on the participant. Some go through very quickly while others take more time. You may want to give it a try.

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You’re invited to Ninja Academy’s 5th anniversary!


Please come join us at our anniversary chat, it will be happening in 2 hours!

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Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Ninja Academy 5th Anniversary activities so far. Don’t forget that today (February 23 PST) is the last day to enter! Fighting!


How do I join and start segmenting. I have done some training on random videos but I don’t know what else to do. I am new so I cant do major well known shows. But would love to start learning and practicing on less advertised shows. Where can I get more training and who do I need to contact?

Join the NSSA training. The volunteers will guide you through the steps so you can learn all you’ll need to know about segmenting and have the confidence to segment on any project.

Here’s the link to the page with further information and a place to apply.

Our waitlist is now down to under 10 so it shouldn’t take too long to get started.

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Ninja Academy Meet-and-Greet Chat


Hello Ninjas and Friends,

We hope this message finds you well!

This year marks 6 years since NSSA was established, and a lot has happened during the last year! Check out our latest blog post to see what has changed.

The 6th-anniversary celebration was postponed from its date earlier this year, but we didn’t want the year to pass without having a chance to spend time with all of you to commemorate the occasion. This year, we would love for you to join us in a meet-and-greet to chat with other Ninjas and Viki contributors/viewers.

Who: Everyone!

What: Meet-and-Greet Text Chat


When: Friday, July 24th at 12:00 pm (noon) to 3:00 pm PST. The chat is always open – feel free to join early or stay late.

This is the link to a time zone converter in case you need to find out what time it is for your location:

We hope to see you there!

AmyPun & Mazza

NSSA Channel Managers


NSSA 6th Anniversary Chat is Happening NOW! Please Come and Join Us Here


Thanks AmyPun,
I’m new to segmenting and am really looking forward to both learning more about it, and actually starting on it.
Thanks again

Did you apply for the segmenting academy yet?

I’ve just finished the segmenting vids and have requested primarily mandarin and cantonese videos, as I’m trying to learn chinese on duolingo at the moment

Do you mean the instruction videos on the website? If you really want to work as a segmenter, you need to go through the NSSA segmenting academy.


I’m going through it now, just started green sand

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That’s great. Good luck! :four_leaf_clover:

Thanks, I am trying to learn the language and this is very beneficial.