SEGMENTERS PLEASE VISIT HERE! Some Helpful Advice for Current and Potential Aspiring Segmenters

Hi Amy!

Thank you for sharing the videos about the QC Check! The videos are really helpful as you show all the steps for the QC-Check.

And I agree, it is better to check out one’s segment and its timing before cutting another segment. After all, this can be a “practice” and helpful when it comes to learning more about segmenting. It sounds weird but segmenting seems to be a never-ending learning process.^^ If someone had told me this in the beginning (when I was a newbie), I probably wouldn’t have believed it. lol
Sometimes, I learn something new by reading your guidelines or by the helpful feedback about my work. Either way, it is fun to discover a new “detail” about segmenting.

And I agree with Dudie and you, when I check out my older segs and PVs, I also think: what the heck was I thinking??! lol Well, the only good thing about those segs is that we can learn from those segs. :wink:


I don’t think I am that much of a glutton for punishment to go back and look at my oldest segments.

Thank you Amy and everyone for what you are doing here. Please listen to Amy, well I guess you can’t hear her but you know what I mean. Nobody expects you to be perfect but we should all strive to do the best we can, otherwise why bother.

This probably isn’t the best place to put this but … I have a place where some hard subbed episodes need to be segmented. I would be willing to work with one or two people on it IF they are really wanting to learn and will follow direction as well as Amy’s guidelines. I am not concerned about the current level of experience, we can work with that. What I hope to find are people who are interested in being solid contributors interested in the quality, rather than the quantity. If new, that is fine (we might start somewhere else first though). Even if Seg101 has been completed and would like to practice a little on hard subbed episodes, that’s fine too.

Just let me know.


Thank you lacruiser for your support on my segmenting tips and advice…

About hardsubs, I suggest everyone to read over my 17th post in this discussion regarding segmenting hardsub videos (it’s also quoted above). To me, lagging is the greatest issue encountered when segmenting hardsubs because they are likely from unlicensed fan channels. You must take extra time and care to check and recheck your work to ensure you are segmenting it correctly and accurately. Due to technological limitations, my laptop cannot segment dailymotion videos. My best advice if you segment on Youtube videos is to use Chrome browser, enable pepperflash and disable shockwave under chrome://plugins

To segment a Hardsub video well, I think patience is the key to success. Typically every few minutes after the segments are saved, you have to refresh your browser in order to continue, minimizing the lag. Once you refresh, don’t drag the cursor but click on the bar as to approximately where you left off. It would reload from where you previously left off minimizing the lag.

Below is another video showing you how I segment Hardsub videos without annotations. Please try to see how I make my adjustments…

Fighting everyone with your hardsubs,
Amy p(^_^)q

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I haven’t heard that ’ what’s your favourite cartoon character question ’ in a looooooong time! LOL. Thanks for asking. I need to think about that first because there’s so many to choose from. I’ll let you know soon ^^.


Yes pelicancharm. When you have decided, please let me know so I would be able to have it for the future when I need it. Fighting with your Seg101 studies. I’m cheering you on!!!

@Lacruiser, LOL! Thanks.

@AmyPun, I’ve made my decision. It’s this guy. Doraemon! :slight_smile: . Thanks for cheering me on! Feels great!

No Worries, Doraemon will make all your dreams come true =P

Hello Everyone:

Lately, I’ve been noticing an issue with “uninvited guest segmenters” passing by channels with their Power Segmenter Status and segmenting without permission. Moreover, some of them even dared to edit other people’s work without their permission. That is extremely rude and insulting to other contributors on the channel.

The highlight of my post today is not about segmenting technique, it’s about segmenting etiquette. I believe segmenting manners and respect is much more important than segmenting skills. It comes first above all things…

In my segmenting diary, there is an introduction lesson about segmenting etiquette. I highly encourage all segmenters to read over them.

There are certain parts I want to highlight…

Gaining Permission to Segment

Most popular licensed drama channels prefer segmenters with experience (i.e. power segmenters) or training (offer through Seg101). Therefore, these channels may not be available for newbies. However, it would be a good way to begin your segmenting career by helping out at the Fan Channels. These channels tend to have fewer restrictions when choosing a candidate to segment for them. After you’ve consulted the channel manager (CM) or moderator of a channel, they will add you to their segmenter’s team as a Designated Segmenter. You would then be able to access the channel.


This is common courtesy and respect for everyone who works hard on the channel. For instance, on one of the channels that I’m currently moderating for, several intruders have been entering the segment-editor and segmenting at their own leisure without notifying any of our team members.

To me, you must have permission from the CM or by invitation by the Chief Editor of a certain channel before you could segment on them. If you are using your Power Segmenter (PS) status assuming you do not need pre-approval from channel staff, you are totally wrong. This rule only applies to VIKI channels where VIKI is the manager.

If you abuse this privilege of yours from your PS status, the CMs of the channels you abused reserves the right to report you to VIKI Help Center for intrusion and the final outcome would be stripping away your PS status. Please be very cautious with your PS powers.

I advise all PS to read over the VIKI community Guidelines

Editing Other Contributor’s Segmenting Work

Another issue I want to highlight is editing other people’s work on others work in parts or in whole. If your edits are for communal benefit and have permission from the original contributor, that is the only time edits are acceptable. I know some might criticize me for QC checking work in my post before. But I assure you that the Kings Channel, VIKI already agreed to remove the poor segments there from their system. For the Monstar Channel, the original contributor would not respond to constructive feedback from me through PM in the past and kept on repeating the same types of errors at other Korean Channels such as Master’s Sun. It was inevitable and not my original intention to do so.

The only people who are allowed to edit People’s segments are the QC-Check, Chief-Segmenter of the Channel (boxed in red in the picture), or the Chief Editor of the Channel. Anyone else do not have the right to edit other People’s segmenting work!

I hope my advice to all segmenters out there would help you with your segmenting project in the future.

Fighting! p(^_^)q

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Let me add something to this matter if that is ok :slight_smile:

I wrote to the Viki help center a few times about ‘abusers’ who ruined the things I segmented, specially MV’s, so I asked Viki what could be done to prevent this and there are a few things what you can do (at least that is what they told me) :

  1. You can request to have your segments locked.
  2. If you spot someone ruined your segments in a video you can report it to Viki, they can always see who the culprit is. Yes even though we can’t see names with segs just like we can with subs, Viki can see them. I thought they could also put the segments back as they where when you segged them but I’m not sure.

So I advice everyone who has their hard work ruined by an ‘abuser’ report it to Viki, maybe if a name pops up to much that person will get a warning or something.

Right now I’m also QCing an older series every now and then with permission of a mod but without permission of the original segger. Yes I can ask Viki to tell me who it is but that person doesn’t most likely even notice because I’m not deleting his/her work (unless I really have to), only edit it so it can be subbed.


Hey Dudie:

Thanks for your response. What you just said total inspires me to write to Viki Help Center in hopes they would design a lock on the segments. Therefore after all the segments are segmented and edited, Channel staff (CM and Moderators) have the right to lock the segments just like the subs to prevent abusers from ruining it.

Do you think this idea is plausable to you. Let me know what you think.

P.S. Welcome to the Seg101 Family Dudie, you are official a page designer approved by Tishafi.

I never asked Viki to lock my work yet because since I got this info I didn’t spot an abuser on my MV’s. But when I do find one I report it and request for the lock right away too. So I’m not sure how they will lock it. Will it be really locked for everyone or is that video put on assigned seggers only.

Ohh and thanks… will work on the other banners later this week when I have time :slight_smile:


I reflected my concern to Mariko, I hope she would understand.

Fighting with your artwork, Mazza, Jojoo, I, Tish, Roxie, Mihaela are all cheering you on!!!


Hello Everyone:

Today I’m going to continue discussing the topic in regards to segmenting etiquette. The main topic of focus is RESERVING PARTS to segment at drama channels.

Reserving Parts is the most serious issue I want to address. “Reserving of Parts” is the most selfish and unacceptable act a segmenter could commit. If you are one of them…


Please refrain from reserving parts in your future projects or you will not go far, being banned from channel to channel. It’s really disrespectful and unfair to others when you are doing that. Please try to have some empathy and try to “walk a mile in someone’s shoes” to experience how you would feel if you waited a week to work on your designated segmenting project, but then two or three people reserved all the parts for themselves to segment.

As an analogy of this situation… imagine you are at a $50 per person buffet, and the seafood table and dessert table are the two most desirable features of the buffet. The two or three people in front of you scooped up all the seafood and good desserts there, leaving you with nothing desirable to eat. Would you feel a little upset or depressed??? Now you have to settle for soup and bread.

The same goes for segmenting, if other avid segmenters want to help out but you detain them from helping so that you can increase your own segmenting number for fame and glory. This is no longer fair play, it’s playing monopoly on Viki. You hoarded all the parts and you are the sole supplier of segments. Good segments are the basic foundation for good subtitles to our viewers. If your segments are not up-to-par, you have basically ruined an entire video by reserving it all to yourself.

Below is an example of someone who reserved parts on a popular channel:

On a popular Korean drama, there are only two episodes a week and 6 parts per episode. Do you all see the problem in the picture above??? As seen on the picture, the user boxed in RED segmented 3 parts within an hour that day, creating bad segments with numerous timing errors and lack of synchronization, resulting in chaos and headache for the subtitling team. I find that if you cannot put forth your best effort and segment 95% quality or more, please don’t segment more than ONE part. If you noticed, this person who segmented 3 parts in the picture above is exactly the same one I mentioned here about QC-checking of Korean Drama:

On a team of about 10 to 12 people, everyone should have their chance to segment. It’s not a one-man show here. Segmenting is about cooperation and sharing with your teammates and friends. Just like buying a box of cookie, would you rather eat the whole box by yourself or share it with your friends??? To me I would rather share it instead of overloading the calories and becoming obese. You would also foster good friendship with other segmenters if you share the parts evenly.

I also have a story to share with you about a Viki user whose name will remain anonymous. I will use Voldemort as the user’s name to protect the true identity. Voldemort was a dedicated Viki user for many years until recently after the transition to beta-viki, she was upset with the change and left Viki. Voldemort used to have a group of followers, called the death-eaters that trailed after her. Voldemort would only accept projects if her entire gang of death-eaters was accepted to work and rule over the team. They commanded all the segmenting and subtitling work to themselves and discouraged help from other users.

Voldemort taught her death-eaters to jump from channel to channel, opening up the segment-timer for different parts and putting several non-sense segments in each part to reserve them. That way, they successfully blocked out other contributors from being able to segment. They would then be able to work at their own pace on multiple segmenting projects at once. If they found out that one of the parts was open and someone went in and took over the part, all of Voldemort’s death-eaters would gang up upon this innocent contributor until the innocent contributor gave up segmenting.

Voldemort is also very headstrong and arrogant in nature. She does not accept corrections or challenges from others. She believes with her 64,000+ segments and her Power Segmenter Status, she was a certified experienced and flawless segmenter. If anyone dared to challenge her, she would jump on you and send you annoying PMs, accusing you for underestimating her intelligence. In Voldemort’s eyes, it’s good to have early segments, providing extra time for the viewers to read the subtitles. If your segments are accurately synchronized to the voice, it’s wrong and your segments are poor. She would PM you until you correct yourself to meet her standard or leave Viki forever…

I digress right here…the main point I want to bring out is a good segmenter must have good segmenting etiquette to be deemed worthy at VIKI. You should be humble and admit your errors and correct them. Please don’t become the next Voldemort… or else, many other contributors would be upset and won’t be willing to assist or accept you on future projects. There is also a possibility that you are going to be reported to Viki as an abuser, where you would be banned from Viki forever.

From a viewer’s perspective, do you think you want to see what the speaker is going to say before they say it? I guess not. It’s like foreseeing what they are going to say, losing the fun and enjoyment of the show. Please never deliberately create late or early segments in your projects… that is the one thing I ask of you. Accurately timed and synchronized segments are the key to success in your segmenting projects.

I hope my segmenting advice would help you on your segmenting projects, building stronger friendship with other segmenters. I think friendship on VIKI is as important as friendship in real life. Sharing and cooperating with your teammates is the key to building successful friendship on VIKI.


Yeah, no. Particularly early subs are pretty irritating, as a viewer. If you’re going to add screen time to the subs, add them to the end. If you have to.

Totally agreed about the courtesy and etiquette bit. It’s great if you want to help out, but chances are, there are lots of others also wanting to help; give 'em a chance to every once in a while.
I’m glad I don’t really come across users like that. But I guess it’s because I don’t work on popular channels, ha.

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Thanks Scircus for your response to my post.

To be honest, sometimes it’s not only certain segmenters that do it. The Voldermort in my story actually assigns parts to segmenters in the Old Viikii and Classic Viki. Therefore, you are ONLY allowed to segment if you are assigned a part that certain day. If you are not assigned and will not cooperate with them, they will count you out of future segmenting projects. Some really good segmenters are assigned at most 3 parts for the whole drama. Hopefully after the transition to new Viki, everything is fair-play for everyone.

I believe all the Korean Channels I work on nowadays are first-come-first-serve. I seldom segment more than one part of a drama each day (I have about one to four dramas per day). The only exception was when a drama is suddenly licensed and several episodes are there. I will then segment more than one part for communal benefit.

Fighting with your segmenting!

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Hello All Current and Potential Segmenters on Viki!

This is AmyPun (Moderator and Mentor of Segmenter 101 project)

I’m sending this on behalf of Segmenter 101.

THE SEGMENTER 101 PROJECT is celebrating their 4th anniversary this month. You are all invited to join the fun and activities. Prizes as also given sponsored by VIKI.

Please visit this channel for more details…


Happy 4th Anniversary SEG 101!! I’ve got cold feet to join the competition, but I’ll cheer you all up, guys!!

Becky, I think participation is more important than winning a prize at the end. To me, I think winning friendship with other Seg101 and Vikian Friends are more worthy above all. Level 1 of the subber/segger game is up, feel free to take on the challenge now!

Indeed Amy…:), I treasure the friendship. It’s not about winning the prize for sure. Ok, I’m in…:D!!!