Segmenter's Project Board (Updated 10 Feb)

I don’t remember if it was an official channel or not.

Segmented! Oh, the memories~

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Please add Mehndi to Pakistan.

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Segmenters are needed for Mera Naseeb. Please contact the Channel Manager.

I helped with Meri Zaat Zara-e-Benisha’an and now it’s done now. Just some final touches left.

I need segmenters for three channels

Ill fated Lovers

Dance Academy

Tuberose Mask

Please contact me if you are interested


i need help im stuck subtitling because someone made the segment short instead of cutting it into two parts. if someone can help its here

Hey umno, you can continue subbing it now :wink:

Thank you! @auroratasya But also I am getting another problem in another channel. By any chance is there someone that can check channel segments for me? I don’t know why but this channel as well has some mistakes and is really making the subtitles awkward. here is the url

thank you again. I will go finish subbing the other video.

I have a question?
If I am subbing a video and notice alot of the segments are off, is it okay to fix them? Here is the link.

can you please sub Wren - Çalıkuşu dont have a english sub it is a turkish draama

Still looking for segmenters for three channels

Ill fated Lovers

Dance Academy episodes 53-65

Tuberose Mask (Currently working) episodes 4-to 12

Please contact me if you are interested


@umno, if you are an official segmenter for the drama, of course you can do it. If not, you’d better send a message to the Channel Manager describing the problems. If the drama doesn’t have any Channel Manager (if Viki is the Channel Manager) I think you can do it.

Mera Naseeb - Contact Haiqa (PM)

Been busy/away… Projects are updated! (I hope.)
Cheers ^^

Not looking for segmenters for Mehndi anymore.

Hello I’m looking for segmenters for this movie you can send me a PM if you want to join

I really need some segmenters. There’s only 5 (short) episodes left to segment. Please take a look and PM me.

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