Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy

He can make me Coffee any day! And I don’t even drink it!

Waffle Guy! Coffee Prince! Kim Jae Wook


1:55 min in Sixteen Candles - Who doesn’t love Jake! Sexy - Watch - Car! Whole package!
I know I’m completely nuts.

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We know, but some of us are happily right alongside you. :crazy_face: :purple_heart::joy:


I just feel like I have to keep with the CAFE them!

I’ll be out for a while! You guys enjoy chatting and hanging out - I’ll catch up later this evening! :purple_heart:


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Seems pretty quiet today, so I’m not sure you’ll miss much. Talk to you later!

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I am the least bit surprised that you of all people find all you listed sexy. I would expect nothing less, but have you seen the content of that video on how to make hand drip coffee?

Expecting the grace and practiced art of a Japanese tea ceremony, I presumed that there was an art to making hand dripped coffee but upon viewing the video, it seems the art consist of:

  1. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  2. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  3. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  4. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  5. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  6. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  7. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  8. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  9. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  10. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  11. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
  12. Pour hot water, wait a few seconds.
    (yes, I counted them so you don’t have to)

It is very low instructional quality with very little production value. :star::star::star::eight_pointed_black_star::eight_pointed_black_star::eight_pointed_black_star::eight_pointed_black_star::eight_pointed_black_star::eight_pointed_black_star::eight_pointed_black_star:
Poorly presented, as it neither start with a tall, gorgeous man getting out of a low slung Porsche, to quickly glance at his gorgeous watch and hurry into the Segue Cafe to demonstrate the sensuous art of drip coffee making to you. :eyes: Oi! The coffee pot is down here!
Nor ends (if you have not spontaneously combusted by this stage) with you leaping over the counter like in a bar room brawl whilst emitting the arooga sounds of a 1920’s car horn, to drag poor Renn or a Coffee Prince behind the counter never to be seen again.

Now that kind of goings on would gain my patronage at this Segue Cafe :face_with_monocle:


If he happened to pull back his sleeve and slyly check his watch while pouring said hot water, this could become a reality.


The ground coffee looks pretty coarse and that’s quite American. Europeans grind coffee much finer, therefore needs also less coffee than the coarse one, plus it tastes also different. There is pro and contra whether to use a paper filter or not.


It was a POOR GIRL’s Way of explaining the love of Drip Coffee -

I just used that video to show that I love watching the art of dripped coffee. I could not find anything in Coffee Prince gifs and I could not find the Love is Phantom Gifs or I did not find a video where the gorgeous guy is making drip coffee! It was just a STAND IN

I told you it is hard to explain! Some people like chocolate ice cream some people like vanilla. I don’t drink coffee AT ALL but I find it sexy in drama when a gorgeous guy makes it.


I’m pretty sure there is a white beautiful shirt that Renn wears in Love Is Phantom where you might get a WHOOSH - when he is making drip Coffee!


I looked high and low for a sexy gif, too. I know I have seen some nice scenes in a kdrama or two, but I couldn’t find the hard evidence. :joy:

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You get ME I’m so glad.

Ok - Renn’s white puffy shirt is also Sexy just saying! I will continue to look for gifs.
Drip Coffee :ballot_box_with_check: White Long Sleeve Puffy Shirt :ballot_box_with_check: Watch :ballot_box_with_check:


Don’t forget the watch. You get bonus points if you find the triple threat. LOL

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Um I know of a double threat but not a triple yet!!! I will get working on it!

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For French Press I use a specific kind of coffee! Yes! Ground fine! But I seriously seriously want to learn how to swirl the beautiful kettle with a long neck over the paper coffee filter to make drip coffee because it is beautiful when they do it well. I am going to learn! Even though I don’t drink coffee!

Ah, I’m a just joshing with ya! I know very well it’s all about the brand of coffee maker that matters! :wink::rofl:


“…leaping over the counter…” Ditto and double it!


Leaping RIGHT over the COUNTER!

I know Choi Jin Hyuk reaches up to help the tiny actress in Devlish Joy get something off a high shelf!
Whoosh - WATCH!

Did we talk about the loosing the tie thing!?


We have not, but it’s a perfectly acceptable topic of conversation!


Well let’s just talk about this Triple Treat! Tie, Watch &…
And Wet
