Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy

A few and some are well spoken. Perhaps Japanese gangsters are more well-spoken than other gangsters.

This works. I would drop ‘through you’ and keep ‘vicariously’. So, I was vicariously experiencing the excitement. Subbers might get bored recycling the same words and readers might want variety as well.


why do people have to use such big words to get a point across? I looked that word up vicariously,

a play on words, hehehehehe, at least I think I did that right!

still don’t know what it means, why don’t they say ehat they mean , Live my life thru my children (vicariously) thru my children???


performed, exercised, received, or suffered in place of another:vicarious punishment.

taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute.

felt or enjoyed through imagined participation in the experience of others:a vicarious thrill.

Physiology. noting or pertaining to a situation in which one organ performs part of the functions normally performed by another.

Britannica Dictionary definition of VICARIOUS

: experienced or felt by watching, hearing about, or reading about someone else rather than by doing something yourself

  • a vicarious experience

  • vicarious joy/suffering

  • a vicarious thrill

— vicariously


  • She lived vicariously through her children.

— vicariousness

noun [noncount]


Forgive me, but you’re building a stronger case for this than the word merits. As demonstrated above, if it’s a word that has viewers heading for the dictionary, then it’s probably best not placed in a subtitle.

As for suggesting, I may have an innate prejudice towards the gangster community, perhaps some of the likes of the Yakuza do have philosophical fireside chats, but that’s a tangent I’ll politely decline to pursue with you. Indeed, in today’s temperature, it is a bit too casual a criticism to put out there. When we think of the great oppressed, gangsters are not the first group that come to kind.

To come back to my original point, a dramatist wrote the source script for all these shows we watch, and I think more subtitlers should think like them, rather than as linguists.

The average viewer is not having the conversations we’re having on here, but when they are, the subtitling is getting in the way and breaking the flow of what needs to be a subliminal transaction, it seems to me.



yeah lets get back to our cafe stuff, I miss my cake & coffee and the barastas that serve it!!


Apologies, frustratedwriter … the discussion got imported from another thread. We’ll leave you in peace and coffee/cake!

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I do accept the apologies, but gosh I didn’t mean to disrupt y’all the heading says chat about whatever strikes your fancy. but thank you

y’all have a great day.


Let’s make believe I have a cup of coffee on hand and cake on the side, and what ‘‘strikes my fancy’’ is to discuss here how a ‘‘word’’ in a subtitle can cause more ‘‘harm than good–’’ so, that what this chat over coffee was all about. Maybe some people need to learn this things and just say THANKS for that one.

You are one VERY STRONG WOMAN :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Working at LA GUARDIA AIRPORT; such a stressful and demanding job, and you still find the time to keep everyone on topic. Should we call you the ‘‘Topic Police at DISCUSSION?’’

PS. By the way this TOPIC was created by @my_happy_place. My apologies if she feels is off topic.

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ok y’all I am hungry, so how about some food? cake? or whatever?


Ok! I’ll have fruits too please. :yum:


fruits too!!


I crave lately cakes and chocolate :star_struck: I noticed the 8 lbs I lost last late fall strangely came back slowly… must be xmas and Easter perhaps less movement as garden beds were hibernating.

So back to square one, how to do eating what you like and loosing weight :sweat_smile:

It’s time to enjoy some Apple Strudel… it’s an Eastern Europe delicacy with apples, if you search online you’ll find various recipes, I make it with grated apples, cinnamon and soaked raisins in rum, before adding the apple filling I add ground hazelnut on the rolled dough…

and some Vienna Coffee


If anyone could come up with a real answer to this, they’d be granted sainthood. :innocent:

That apple strudel looks yummy!


Eat less, like you only got a small sample. Most of the time it’s not what you eat but how much that’s the problem.


Exercise that’s what I do, you might not need 8 hours a week in a dojo😉 but exercising makes everything possible.


Long time ago, my friend said she knows about a diet: “gorge only half size”! :joy: :rofl: From German “Friss nur die Hälfte”, the meaning was eating but like animals eat… it sounds very funny and is a bit vulgar… But eating only like half plate would probably work. I tend to eat more when it’s cold season. I can’t put away winter clothes yet.

I live on the second floor so I walk a lot up and down, in particular when I have laundry. I want to ride bicycle again, but it’s too cold still!

It is indeed very yummy!! :yum: :yum: :yum:


I honestly don’t think weight is the most important thing but feeling happy and that one move around and not sitt still. I need to start baking again cake looks more delicious than my snack (i treat myself when I’m on the computer so I really need my 8 hours).



Some people have a slow metabolism and gain weight even by drinking water, and I’m one of those. Like you, I don’t base my happiness on being ‘‘skinny.’’

Plus, the way things are going in the world now; I make sure I eat what I like, when I want it because when we die we only take with us the pleasures we had in life, and if I want to eat a cake or steak for example, I’ll eat it, and that will surely make me very, very happy. lol

As long as we don’t overdo it, and we have a balance in life, we gonna be all right.

PS. Today, since 7:30 am until 5 pm (eastern time) I painted my Dining room table from brown to Gray, some walls that needed a retouch of white, and scrubbed my floors from the mess I made. During those coffee breaks; I listened to praise songs and sang along. Now, after a hot, hot bath for my aching back, and a strong cup of coffee; I wonder where I get this strength from. … :latin_cross: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:


eat only when you are hungry, slow down when you eat, no one is going to take your food AND could help if you drank some water befory you ate.