This is a terrible segue after getting a serving of chocolate abs, but wonder of wonders, a super skinny (almost unhealthy) FL just said she was on a diet, and ML basically says, ‘why on earth would you need to lose weight? Here, have a ton of food to eat.’ How refreshing.
p.s. See how long my ‘fast’ from my dramas lasted?
Also wonder of wonders, the aforementioned FL is the poor, down-on-her-luck FL, but she is not dressed in sack-like clothes, and she styles her hair and even sometimes wears lip gloss. It’s amazing!
It’s called ‘Gank Your Heart’ (which is quite possibly the worst title I’ve come across). It’s on IQIYI.
FYI - it takes place in the E-sports world, and my hubby assures me that ‘gank’ is a term often used in video gaming… I just looked it up on urban dictionary, and this is what is says: To steal or take something that does not belong to you, so I guess it fits, it just sounds weird.
I definitely think that is a drama I could enjoy, but it appears to have a helping of ‘imperial struggle’ and ‘battles on many fronts’, which is something I’m struggling with right now, so this one may have to wait. It will go on my watch list, though. BTW, I love the name of the subtitling team for that one: Shrek Devils. That one might have to go in the ‘best team name’ thread if it’s not there already.
I swear this song makes me so happy - I listen to it in my car all the time.
He is such a phenomenal talent - I loved him in Oh My Venus - He was so FUNNY