Segue Cafe - meet up with friends to chat about whatever strikes your fancy


The FAN meeting killed me! I’m going to take a nap!
I’ll come back and get the barista to make me a smoothie in a little while!
Let me know what hotties stop by on the patio

We Heart It


A gallon of mocha with brandy, please . . .



Get Yarn

(oh no now you know I’m a Trekkie)

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“That” just happened to me . . . so, for all of the SC stress-relieving silliness I can’t officially “heart” at the moment . . .



For those of you who also watch things on Ntflx, like myself, do you ever find yourself looking for the timed comments at critical moments? The more I’ve been watching things with TCs on Viki, the more I find myself doing this. LOL When something happens that causes me to have an internal conversation with myself or with the screen, I also want to know how other people are reacting to the moment, so I keep subconsciously trying to read TCs on Ntflx too.




So I think I’m still alive after getting up so early! But it was so worth it!
All the baby birds seem to be back in their dorm rooms for the evening after The Supreme Chancellor was seen walking the campus - they just hurried off to do their homework (bahahahahahaha)

Hottie Posse Has Some New Members and RECRUITMENT is on going.

Barista - Can I have a salted caramel hot chocolate and a oatmeal chocolate chip cookie! :cookie:


I tried to get those things for you, but they accidentally ended up in my mouth. :drooling_face::yum::joy:


Yummy, my husband’s Dutch so I’m very familiar with those. I’ll have StroopWafels and a cup of chamomile tea please

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coffee cakes

Gosh that Barista is Lightening Fast


SuJu butchers English in that song, so why not Spanish too. lol But I always thought Mamacita was intentional. Isn’t is colloquially used to describe a woman as hot or sexy?

This is how I’ve always seen it used. Upon research, there are a number of songs from various artists around the world that have the same Title or usage of Mamacita.

Two friends, one American (who learned Spanish with amazing proficiency in high school and college) and one Costa Rican) BOTH jumped on me one day when I used the word “mamacita” and not “mamita” to talk about how cute I thought it was for My American friend’s mom to say or do something.

“Mamacita” in almost every context I can think of means “prostitute.” The worst slam you can throw at a Hispanic woman of any age or marital status.


Oh, me too, if it’s particularly stressful I like to rant about something but I can’t on Ntflx, and the comment section on utube is not even close to the same.

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Eek, that’s not good. SuJu has a lot of fans in Central & South America, you’d think if it were a big problem someone would have said something. Hmmm.

Eunhyuk from SuJu being confused

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There are many young women in many cultures who come from broken homes or circumstances in which they are denied a healthy relationship with male adults.

They may have been abused or neglected or ridiculed in school to the point that they both hate the men who have hurt them while craving and hoping for a relationship with a man who will somehow erase the pain and restore their innocence.

They don’t know how to have healthy relationships but fantasize about one that is so perfect and so focused on them that they are easily manipulated.

There may be no objections because there are a bunch of young Hispanic women who have been beaten down by machismo culture, and to them, someone like Eunhyuk is enntirely forgiveable.

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I wonder if there is also a regional component to it, because I had acquaintances in high school from Mexican heritage who used the term as a term of endearment for their close friends.

Noooo . . . really?


“Just call me Shorty.”

(Giant Freakin Robot)


I think it’s that “thing” where you can insult your peeps until they bleed from their eyes, but nobody else can.

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It’s Nice on the Patio - I’ll be back in a little While!!! :wink:


Stay out there long enough to make sure you’re getting plenty of Vitamin D3 . . .

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