the key is giving. I have posted in other discussions and all of this one thing, giving sharing ,loving, a kind act goes a long way, even one of your smiles, a kind word like hey love thqat blouse/dress you are wearing, some may not think so, but when you are on the other end getting that complinment yes it goes a looooong way, thats how I get out of a blue mood, even bazking cake or cupcakes and giving them away, I just put something on that crocheting link, “random of Crochet kindness” . and with me getting older, that note, card or phone call does matter, get out of yourself and do something for someone else
all of you had some excellent points, I do try to look at positive things, daily, even the genealogy research gets me down, so I leave it alone for a few days, yes I do crochet, learning new stitches as well, this I have heard for a very long time, when you crochet you do “worry knots” and those knots add up, someone else told me thats like the catholic with their beads, so there you go.
angelight is awesome, yes stay away from the news, so negative there, talking, good thinking, but you wanna talk about family trees, any kind of research, how about conspiracies, how about aliens, yeah thats a crazy one there, gardening? crochet? history? people have to find something to talk about, that they both like talking about. yes I so much want to talk, and have no one to really talk to, (unless consider my little dog)
oh hears something funny to tell you, yesterday, I wanted to freeze some yogurt, couldnt find my little pop containers, so I recalled my next door neighbor Tupperware lady!!! so I go over and ask her about the little icecream things, said she didn’t have them right now anyway make a long story short, we TALKED! I know I could go to dollar general or dollar tree and get them much cheaper, but my point I did talk to someone yesterday!
with the I guess depression, I have a messy house, I don’t mean to sound morbid, but its why sould I , who cares? and yes I need to get out of that. walk, exercise stretch. and I am working on that slowly.
simi11 and I just wrote a book!!! I do agree short paragraphs are better, but I just spoke out today