Self care - what do you do to stay mentally healthy?

Such a great point. I used to check the news way more often, but now I don’t do it ass much. It is really important not to constantly flood yourself with negative news. I’m so glad you found what works for you :smile:

People underestimate what talking to strangers can do for you. I agree with you. Talking to strangers might be a great help, maybe for yourself or maybe for them. You never know :blush:.

This is such a good one.Compliments can make someone’s day or even their week and it takes such little effort :smile:


Mary, I don’t mind it at all :smile:

That’s also a great mindset to have :sunny:

Part of my family made a groupsapp so we can stay in touch. We don’t post in it all the time, so we don’t annoy each other, but we do post updates in the group or just ask how we are doing at the beginning of the week and weekend :sunglasses:


vivi good thing, oh are you getting some info from them, awww y’know this genealogist has to pop up, sorry well what better way to keep[ in touch, to talk?? I don’t have grandparents here now, and family , we contact each other on Facebook if we want to talk, but hearing a human voice is so much better


External tools
-Nature/Forests tend to have a grounding effect. This was especially big when I still lived in the “big city”
-Solitude, make sure my introverted batteries are loaded.
-Hobbies and friends, already saying shit out loud might help me process and tackle potential problems
-“manipulating” your moods to fit what ever internal tools are key and thus good external tools are of importance.

Internal tools
-Force myself to be honest with myself. Don’t know how much I’ve fought with myself on this. We tend to build narratives, feelings of victim-hood, superiority or + a thousand other things. Thus end up spinning things for ourselves.
-After honesty, I tend to try as objectively I can analyze my issue from everyside. The solution tend to be easy to find when you know your issue in and out and hard when you don’t.
-Then I figure out a solution and try implementing it, success is usually down to how well I know myself in the respective area of my issue and thus how well/by which method I can implement my solution.

Etc. etc.

I have probably millions of tools and tool set for very specific things. I’m unfortunately very deep and thus adept at things like this topic, but bad at more “shallow” things, like social stuff. I tend to be able to fix all my internal issues with these kinds of tools

I play games and use my electronics a lot. I’ve found that balance is better in my case rather than hardcore rules (example, I can only use my phone 2H/day). This is because I use these things to load my introverted batteries. However, I need to go out and ‘just forget’ my worries for a moment by using a external tool.

There is no one size fits all in mental health imo, rather, learning/creating tools to figure shit out is imo better. :slight_smile:


My complete opposite, I’m grumpy and keep complaining because of the hell on earth it’s currently. about 25c (earlier peaked at 32.5), super bright and hard to see far, no appetite to eat, constant insomnia, constantly sweating etc. :'O So I am 24/7 grumpy, tired etc.

I agree, maybe not the best for everyone, but amongst the best for everyone, imo. :slight_smile:

This makes me want to flee, my mom want’s to talk 24/7 about the same things over and over. Even when I’m “loading” my own batteries and need alone time. But I do try to visit my own family when I can and their important ppl. Sometimes just talking about random things might be enough. :slight_smile:

I lived with one on the Autism spectrum, not my thing, would probably only work if it was my own child. I’m the complete opposite, super emotional etc. So respect! :slight_smile:


I feel you on this one. Over the years I’ve had to set up boundaries with my family as well. I tell them that it’s not that I’m mad at them or don’t like them, I just need some time by myself :smile:


Sedation doesn’t seem like the solution to me. Don’t get me wrong, I believe you when you say this is a severe case. But sedation will at best work for a little while and it won’t solve the root of the problem.
My guess is that this boy feels/is misunderstood by his environment. The people surrounding him may not see it, but there might be a whole lot of things in his environment that bother him to great extent. And he may not even have a way to express that so he probably suffers in silence until he can’t hold it in anymore and then the outburst comes.
I think the best his family can do now is to get to know him better and find out where his sensitivities lie.


Are you saying that autistic and super emotional are opposites? :thinking:


I am considered “Highly Sensitive” but I have worked with people also with Sensory Integration Disorder which is also on the spectrum - no props - you just do it. And my little boy I helped thinks I’m a piece of furniture - he just LEANS on me!!! All outta LOVE

I cry at Hallmark commercials and when Dumbo gets teased and when Bambi dies! So super emotional!!! Me too

(Although I am an extreme Talker and I love being with my friends they energize me, however - all that energy takes me time to wind down😍)


He has hard understanding emotions, where emotionally cold and criticized me for being emotional etc etc. I was the opposite. Emotions are physical, so I feel everything in my body and that usually even has an physical effect of some sort, he didn’t have this, so lying was easy for him. The relationship is ofc more complicated, but I wouldn’t say he was emotionless, more emotionally cold. (thus reacted and dealt with emotions differently than me).


Are you sure then that it was only autism he suffered from? Cause to me it sounds more like a personality disorder or something like that. Autists are emotional, even though they may not show it in the same way you do. And lying is actually very hard for them.

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That was what he told me and had been diagnosed with.


Believe it or not on the DSM5 when it came out for Autism they no longer classify it here as “Asperger’s” they just put people “on the Spectrum” - I actually think that this classification is needed but that is just me.


Actually, it came out in 2013. :wink:


I know, but this is what it then was called when he got it. :slight_smile:


I meant to say “When It Came Out” I was trained in 2016 and in 2019 so it was in all my testing and such

I misspoke!:kissing_heart:


He may have another condition on top of it.


Possible, or he may have adapted over time. Me living together with him was as an adult, the diagnosis he got as a child. Personally, it wasn’t a nice experience and I’m glad it’s in my past. All those of my external and internal tools where very handy :slight_smile:


This makes me want to flee, my mom want’s to talk 24/7 about the same things over and over. Even when I’m “loading” my own batteries and need alone time.

I’m not at that stage yet, but what I do often is; begin a story, leave it halfway, and come back hours later to finish the story. They always scream; Now you come? Forget it I won’t want to hear it so we end up laughing for a while.:rofl:



Being online is a weakness as well as a bad necessity and I know it’s unhealthy, sitting in same position and also the eyes suffer as well and don’t even look at the time it just speeds the hours like nothing else.
I have trouble reading very long comments, it feels like reading a book. For my eyes it’s easier with few poignant paragraphs, am I the only one??

I think you need to visit an optometrist if you haven’t done yet, and in my opinion you might need reading glasses (if you don’t have them yet) or renew your old prescription to a new one. Your overwhelming issue when reading long comments; could be your eyes need a relief on the straining you feel on your eyes, when you read.

GOD BLESS YOU SO MUCH @frustratedwriter! You are one of the strangers (although I feel I know you so much) That I love to talk to in here bc you can know a person’s heart through their writing, and yours is kind and loving and best of all INNOCENT with no malice. I am honored to have known you through here.