Some useful links!

One of my subtitlers (@kristelrose ) gave me the inspiration to write this topic, we have been working on a K-drama together that has 51 episodes and she shared this link that has some inspiration when writing about families. Family-in-law Terms in Korean | TOPIK GUIDE

I would love to see more links like this in this thread, and yes I had a look before I posted if I have missed something I’m sorry.


Thank you for starting this topic and conversation :heart_eyes:
I’ll keep it saved to share useful and helpful links if I find anything more :purple_heart:


That’s perfect! I remember struggling a lot translating a K-drama from Eng to Rus. Unlike English, there are quite a lot of such family relation terms in Russian, so you just have to know how to tell apart a bridal brother-in-law form the one on the groom’s side, etc. in Korean.


I totally understand. It’s the same in Macedonian. I had to make little family trees for myself once to see how everybody was connected to get the family relations right. But funnily enough, we don’t have a term for a Great-Uncle and Great-Aunt, while English does. For everything else there’s a different term that you have to tell apart, but if your grandfather has a brother, then somehow he’s also “дедо”. :joy:


In Dutch, we call him oudoom (old-uncle). :older_man:t3: :sweat_smile:


I love that, because it’s actually very accurate, as he is technically the older uncle. :joy: I feel like we should have something to tell them apart too. Grandfathers are definitely closer than Great-Uncles in most cases. I don’t know who decided that they should be called the same in Macedonian (and most likely other Slavic languages), but it’s definitely confused me on more than one occassion. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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