Spring-a-thon 2024 Community Update!

@brendas I do not agree displaying a list since it might hurt some people because there are even volunteers who can’t, very sadly, translate due pre-subs :frowning:


Thanks that was something i was asking myself too


Many are complaining about having a badge less than the number they did in these 2 days, this is not about protecting feelings, is about being transparent and showing where the math is being based on. This is not kindergarten. We are all adults.


As I already mentioned, we are not counting the number of contributions in the first two whole days, but the number achieved while reaching Level 1, which was a period of less than 2 days (1.5 days to be more accurate).


The badges are quite cute, but I don’t like this system too much, to be honest. We basically know nothing here :woman_shrugging:t2:, we don’t know when we’ll reach each level :woman_shrugging:t2:, we don’t know if we’re close to the goal or we still have a long way to go :woman_shrugging:t2:, so we don’t know when each level will start exactly to track our own contributions :woman_shrugging:t2: to make sure everything works fine. And for this reason, we can’t plan which badges we want to aim for. I think some would be more motivated (and this is the goal here, obviously :wink:) if we could see our own counter (visible privately to each person only) and a general counter for the whole community (visible to everyone). If Viki can see that, perhaps we could, too? Plus, everything would be clear. There wouldn’t be any doubts as to how much we did. A personal contribution counter (like the one only we can see for renewing our Viki Pass) would be a good idea for every subathon, I think.


They might send a link to those who want a more detailed info.
I believe there’s no need to display nor to hide a full list of what each of us did/didn’t achieve (and in what languages that might hurt even more those who would love to be able to be part of this too).

We are all adults but we also have feelings and many of my friends are very sad due the lack of projects for them.
I do care about people, you see. Love, care, empathy are ageless.

Have a nice day and a happy Spring-a-ton! :cherry_blossom:


I have people who made over 500 on the first day and got the 250 badge. And is not like viki never made mistakes when it comes to counting contributions in substations. Almost all the subathons have some error and we have to ask for the right badg showing prints. That’s why I asked @brendas about showing the ranking, pretty much like we already have monthly, but one specially for the subathon.


The first level is the fastest, with only 250.000 contributions. We reached it in approx 1.5 days.

The second level will be 3 times longer (estimated additional 4.5 days, Wednesday-Thursday), since we need to reach additional 750.000 contributions. That gives most subbers and editors enough time to achieve at least the 100 badge.

But I’m particularly rooting for all the pure seggers out there. Hwaithing! :muscle:


Ah, I see… Yes, that sounds like an oversight on Viki’s part. They could ask Viki directly for their own contribution count.

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I don’t know what language they do, but in Portuguese we have projects just for that, I myself organized 3 projects for editing and subbing just for the subathon and I have more than 100 people in it and everyone who wanted was added. And those people are getting badges with less than they did. So, it is pretty much the same thing we have monthly, just for the subathon. I don’t see why this would be different.


They don’t send LoL Just reply the same as they did here.

My complaining friends are precisely Portuguese who are sad because they wanted to do more. At least, you managed to do something for this occasion, so I can only congratulate you. :clap: :clap: :clap: Well done!

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How would a list hurt some peeps feelings? its just to be sure what and how the subs/segs are distributed, since we all are in the blinds in this ‘game’. I dont think many of us knew the level were closed before they said on… the fourth day? So, a list like cerejacult asked for would be nice to have, just to see whats happening.

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I hope its like that, because the 1 level wasnt too enjoyably, i think, for many peeps in here. :melting_face:


Hi @sonmachinima - what @feyfayer shared is correct! Your individual contribution points will not reset at every level. So if you earned 300 points before Level 1 and you earned another 250 points before Level 2, then those points would be combined. You would have 550 points by the time the community has reached Level 2 which means you would be awarded a 500 point badge. I hope this helps to clarify things!


Hi @dimghro - can you explain a bit more on how the logic messes up your collection? We are interested in learning more! Thanks!


Hi @ilmatar - I double checked our records and am so sorry to report that you did not reach 100 contributions during the UTC time frame it took for the community to reach Level 1. :cry:

Hi @cerejacult - Out of respect for privacy it decided quite awhile ago to never post a point list - even for Subathons! That said, if you are determined to know your current number of individual contributions please send me a DM. I’ll be happy to share it with you personally. I just ask you to please keep in mind that we have thousands participating so I won’t be able to provide personal updates on a regular basis. Thank you for understanding! :heart:


@brendas That’s very fair, professional and assertive :clap: :clap: :clap: I thank you and your work colleagues for such wise, sensitive decision. Thank you! :cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom::cherry_blossom: and all the best for all of you! ^^ :sparkling_heart:

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@brendas I have a question, I hope it’s okay to ask. Let’s assume, I get to 10,000 in level 2, what badges will I earn for level 3 and level 4?