Subathon 2020 - C/T dramas only

Would you stop with the personal attacks? Unlike you, I’m trying to focus on solving the problem at hand. If you’re not interested in hearing what other people think, just say so.

Since everyone is doing that within their free time nobody can be forced how much and how fast they’ll sub a long episode Chinese drama. I was part of OL teams that had to wait 6-12 months until all episodes got the GO from the English team. One episode was released every 1-2 month (the drama had more than 60 episodes). Another drama with around 50 episodes was fast released for OL but needs around a year too until it was fully subbed into German because the German team was really small.

I think we never got a list; it was just mentioned that ‘there have been some changes and we should check it’.

Anyway since it could always happen that something is not 100% correct I think it’s not such a big deal; sometimes it is only a different (English) word although the meaning itself is the same. When it is about lyrics it can be way more severe but that’s often the case because many of them are very metaphorical so they aren’t that easy to translate (and while some want to translate literally others prefer a meaning-wise translation so it could happen that a subber writes quite good English versions but the editor changes it in the way that it is more literally but without transferring the meaning because non native speakers who are not aware of certain metaphors can’t understand the true essence then).

So in the end it’s the best to accept that there are many different approaches and perspectives and although one can always try to improve the situation some things can’t be easily changed, e.g. when there are too less editors, subbers, native speakers etc. and too many shows in general.

(Eventually the situation for Chinese dramas might become better when the dramas have only 36-40 episodes or even just 10-20 and not 45-70; in case people like the storylines/genre/actor/settings too then. I don’t know how or if that will change people’s interest because it is also a question of personal taste and I’d also not work on dramas/genres I don’t like.)


Why answering with things that are not linked to solving my problem?

I have a problem, I made suggestions.
You told me about a Cdrama that you neglected and completed it… Okay?
Then “We should live… during this period” lesson and another course about OL and English editors and CM roles… Okay?

Then, what should I do? Tell me.

Do we feel that we go somewhere from what you suggested? Did you suggested something to me that I could do?

In that case maybe Viki could cut such a long series into two or more pieces and present each as a separate “season”, each with their own team working on it. :thinking:

That might be a solution in regard of the volunteers and their time table. I’m just not sure if VIKI would even consider this because very often the Chinese dramas are also uploaded on the production studio’s page (with English subs) and often also on Youtube (with English subs and sometimes available option to add OL subtitles) so I could imagine that VIKI wants to avoid loss of viewers then.

(Probably that is not a problem for Korean or Japanese dramas that aren’t uploaded by the production studios to Youtube.)


I don’t know how it could get this far in Discussions, nobody is forcing anyone to volunteer and nobody should prevent anybody volunteering if they want to.
This topic here

was first, so you can assume that somebody was asking, if a subathon would be happening this year and you can read the answer of Viki noting that this topic was not that easy this year and not the top priority.

I have to say, I didn’t really follow this thread too much, because I only have one project at the moment (Korean) and do not have much time, so going to another project to help out is not really an option. I do have some badges but I don’t need the complete collection.
I tried to read it all, but I am asking myself is this subathon really your problem, or does it only add to your problem?


Just do it when you can.
There’s no solution to your problem.

As for the subathon, just forget about it. In one year, you would have completed this drama and the subathon would be forgotten. If this is delayed, then be it, it’s not your fault first.

On est souvent hors sujet, je comprends la frustration derrière quand on a besoin d’aide ou d’une réponse parce qu’on est dans le pétrin.
Après laisse de côté tout ça, ça n’en vaut pas la peine. De toute façon, ils mettront des traductions automatiques, on aura plus ce problème d’attendre, mais on aura celui de la qualité.

Est-ce ton problème ? Non, alors laisse-les se démerder.

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Yo… You’re mostly arguing with yourself here. I’m out of this conversation. Good luck.

Would you call that an average? My experience in translating Chinese drama is limited. All of them were released to OL quite quickly, but I could’ve been lucky. I’m assuming that the problem of too few Chin-Eng subbers kakashiandme mentioned has made the situation worse lately.

I also don’t really care for 100% edited material released to OLs. There should always be a flow of things/work within the team. When one wheel stops turning, that’s when things get ugly.

As we translate, real life happens, stops us from volunteering. And that is fine. We call a set of people working on a drama a team, because, when one team member can’t continue anymore, the rest are there to take over. Organization and good communication are the key to all of this. But, I know, I know, easier said than done.

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When you started the conversation with me, the things you said were already centered on yourself and your experience. It was not to answer my problem. Can you read it again?

If you leave the conversation at this point and I will do the same, it’s because you wanted to speak about things you wanted to speak, not trying to find a solution to my problem.

We were discussing about different matters with me wanting a solution to my problem and you, wanting that I listen to your personal experience.
That’s why we can’t talk and that’s why I lost my patience. I never got this experience you’re telling me and I can’t identify myself to what you say and I can’t find a predicament to my problem.

If you have tried to suggest me something I could do or told me something about the suggestions I made (how it couldn’t work or how this could be another thing) or something I could identify myself to, I would have understood that you were trying to help me and I would have reacted differently.

But I felt I said nothing or wasn’t listened to because we talked about different things.
Then you told me I didn’t want your personal experience.
True, I didn’t, just as you didn’t.
I felt from the beginning you and I were talking alone though we hit the “Reply” button.

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Forcing or preventing? If you read carefully, I don’t talk about that.
It might be the problem of someone else, but not mine.

The topic about the date of summer subathon: I try to see what you mean, but what do you mean?
I suggested they did it during big holidays so we can follow English editors and they motivate English editors differently.
This is for a typical year without a coronavirus going on.

For this year:
We had the virus.
I said this year was not the year for me to even think about a subathon and even so, there’s no motivation during this subathon on my side, that is why even if they make a subathon this year, they can’t expect from us (at least from my team mates and from me) that we put the same efforts with the same motivation while we’re still having a hard time and have our mind occupied.
People have different reactions, right. I’m telling about this one.

The answer is both if you read carefully.
This subathon added more problems, because the subathon motivated English editors to release a lot of episodes whereas from my side there is no motivation.
We lost it along the way while waiting before the subathon, we didn’t have it back during this subathon and we probably won’t have it back with more ep released (we’re more late).

The problem existed before the subathon.
The subathon could motivate people to solve that, but it didn’t on my side. It accentuated my problems.

They added French as one of the languages. I give my feedback about it.

I suppose I am not the only one to have this problem, but I didn’t hear about that.

J’ai bien compris qu’il n’y avait pas de solution à mon problème !
C’est mon dernier projet parce que pas assez de monde et on finit par le faire seul ou à 2 alors qu’on n’a plus le temps maintenant.

For whatever reason the Chinese dramas I’m moderating or was moderating had most of the time really fast English teams but the Chinese dramas I was working just as a OL subber have been quite slow. Usually the dramas I’m moderating have more or less the same volunteers (CM, OL mods, subbers, segmenters, editors), the dramas I was just a subber (or just heard about the delay in the GO from other mods/viewers) had different teams/volunteers so probably it depends on the genre/topic/teams and approach and decision of ‘perfection’ that the English teams/editors try to achieve.

I think a too long waiting time for the OL teams because of the GO could cause a high scale of demotivation for the OL teams.

So I’d say when the German team is not too smal we’re able to finish the subbing within ~4 months (I think this is a good rate for long complicated dramas). Sometimes, when our team is smaller we might need 6 months until we are finished (not because of the English team but because of our small own team).

I think it’s okay that ~50 episodes long dramas needs couple of months to be finished. The end result is most important, that viewers finally are able to watch the whole drama in their own language (if you look at e.g. US shows viewers have to watch 1-2 years for the next season and one season has only 10-20 episodes so finishing ~50 episodes within ~6 months is a good deal).

(Sometimes English teams also collect couple of episodes for the GO, e.g. I had one drama that had no new episodes for a month and then 10 at once. They probably thought that is more efficient but it caused my team members to become frustrated and viewers to ask if the drama was abandoned by us because they saw that the English subs were almost done for the whole drama but the OL subs were frozen at episode 15 or so…)

So I’d prefer that there is some kind of info for OL viewers at the channel page that tells viewers that OL teams are waiting for the GO from English teams (some English teams put this info in their coverpages but not all viewers look at it).


Dommage (ou pas…)

Je suis loin de la retraite ou je n’ai pas encore une routine.
J’ai bien aimé viki un certain temps, mais comme on se lasse de beaucoup de choses ou on a envie de découvrir autre chose ou de se concentrer sur un projet important qui nous demande du temps…

Je pense aussi que tout ça passe avant tant qu’on est encore jeunes, qu’on construit sa vie, qu’on a des ambitions, qu’on est dans une relation ou qu’on y travaille. Le reste comme Viki, c’est du bonus. Ça t’apportera jamais quelque chose de plus important ou te permettra jamais de construire quelque chose de capital dans ta vie. Et moi, c’est ce que je pense.

Le plus important, c’est de vivre les choses en son temps, parce que rien n’est éternel. Tu pourras pas vivre ce que tu vis maintenant dans 5 ou 10 ans, t’auras pas le même cerveau non plus pour apprendre de nouvelles choses ou le même temps.
Alors faut bien réfléchir à comment tu veux utiliser ton temps parce que ça passe trop vite et on est pas éternels.

C’est beaucoup de temps à consacrer si on traduit seuls. A voir avec toi-même.

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If that is so then you could do this:
(I chose could, after careful consideration, so please do not jump at it.)
With a problem you encounter it is better to either find an already existing topic, or start your own one. It can get really messy and it rarely ends happily for the involved, if too many issues come in the mix. As it is the Discussions page for sure we often try to exchange our viewpoints.
You might have not been in the mood to exchange viewpoints but were looking for a solution to your problem.
Keeping that in mind a separate topic would have done your aim more justice, it would have been clearer and you would have gotten a better chance to get only replies to your question without getting entangled with the other subject of the Subathon.
In the end it shows that this event only added to your distress, but is not the main reason, it probably was only “la goutte d’eau qui a fait déborder la vase” (My French isn’t the best anymore too little practice …) so your frustration “overflowed”.

These times are not easy, I am living in Germany and in my town we hit the red light this week - and are now called high risk area. Of course there are fears and all, I experience many cut backs the past month myself therefore I hope, you can still stay optimistic. (I won’t go deeper into this topic since Viki is not keen to see us talking about this.) May I ask from which region in France you are? I am living in the “Palatine”, we have some French left in our dialect.

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If people want to talk about their own experience, they can exchange their viewpoints, but they don’t need to click on the reply button so I get a notification about something that doesn’t concern me and they don’t have to add how I should live my life as if it was the most natural thing to do in this world while telling me they’re trying to help me.
This is not what I expect when people share their viewpoints.

Probably it was not the main reason, but if you read carefully, I first suggested things concerning the subathon and badges so it could work better for French people. That’s the main concern I wanted to talk about. Could you read it again?

The other things I added are what I have been asked, because the question was asked, but my suggestions were about the subathon and badges and a better organization overall.

I do believe that if the subathon was not there, we wouldn’t have more ep released this week and I wouldn’t think about how to deal with them.
I suggested to do a subathon during a better time, so we had a better organization.

I believe I can create another topic about English edition, but there are already topics about that and I feel like repeating over what everyone has been saying.

No, I wanted to talk about the subathon. It was clear for me.

I live in a red zone too. We might go off topic.

I would need to find it, for being able to read it …

Or you mean about the summer vacation time?

In the end it all comes down to one’s personal circumstances, true most contributors are able to enjoy summer vacations, since most of them are younger people.

Je ne pense pas que si tu cherches une oreille attentive sur ce forum, tu trouveras. La plupart du temps, on parle pour parler de soi ou de ce qu’on sait, mais pas trop pour écouter les autres.
Les seuls qui ont vraiment le pouvoir de changer quelque chose pour ce subathon ou les badges, c’est Viki.

C’est dommage que la conversation soit bloquée, mais bon, ça t’évite de perdre ton temps.

Bon courage pour ce drama !

Pas l’air de lire avant de répondre ou alors en diagonale à ce que j’ai pu voir, bonjour le respect !
Chelou comme forum !

Oui ! Vivement que ce drama soit terminé !

Allez, courage ! Surtout en ce moment !

Tu me fais penser que moi aussi, je devrais arrêter. Récemment, je pense à changer beaucoup de choses dans ma vie, comme un grand nettoyage. Alors peut-être que c’est le moment de changer cette habitude que j’ai prise.

Petit moment de réflexion tout bête pour moi mais pas anodin ! Comme quoi, toutes les rencontres ne sont pas si insignifiantes.

Bonne continuation sur Viki ou autre !!! Prends bien soin de toi !