Subtitles and moderators in Catalan - Subtítols i moderadors en català

Hello, I want to help with subtitles, I can sub from English to Catalan (and Spanish too).
Can you help me?
It’s very difficult to find projects in Catalan… and Catalan’s moderators.
Thanks in advance!

Here are the two Catalan moderators I know:
mangatsu (Astrid. I have worked with her, it was a fantastic collaboration)

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Thank you so much! ^^

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If you need more people I could help subtitling. I studied Spanish and Catalan and usually I talk more in Catalan than Spanish.

Thank you in advance.

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I am catalan moderator, reply me or message me to start subtitling ASAP…anims que som poquets i hi ha molta feina…

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