[Taiwanese Drama] Rose Battle - Recruiting Seggers, Subbers, Moderators

Recruiting volunteers for Taiwanese Drama: Rose Battle

*Seggers (Seg 101).
*Subbers (Chinese-English) (English-Spanish).
*Moderators (Except Spanish, Vietnamese, Indonesian and French).
*Editors (English and Spanish).
*Coverpage Editor (English and Spanish).

If you are interested send me a PM (nelju1998) or write here.


I’m interested on the program to be a subber (English-Spanish) if it is still posible. Have a good day!


Hello, welcome, I will send you a PM

Hola, no se porque pero no puedo encontrar tu perfil en Viki,

Hola, disculpa ya te encontre sólo es que tu ID aquí es jonathangarcia1 y en viki es jonathangarcia,

ya te agregué