OMG such beautiful scenery. You are so blessed to have so much beauty surrounding you.
Everything is fine as long as you wake up and see such beauty around you.
Don’t worry anymore; There is a passage in the Bible that says; Who of you; by worrying will add years to your life?
I was always afraid that something bad will happen to my kids and I was tormented all the time, but I realized that what’s going to happen will happen even if we kneel, pray or beg so there’s no use in tormenting ourselves when nothing might ever happen but here we are expecting to happen, and adding suffering to our days.
If you want to laugh, laugh, and others will laugh with you. Laughter; is the best medicine and is nothing to feel guilty about. When I laugh, others laugh with me, and I feel no guilt because I made others happy, too. Laugh and make others happy with you.
Remember, you can only feel what’s inside of you, so like the beautiful sunset, the growing flowers, and your immense love towards nature, animal and others, make it grow inside you, and don’t let anything take that away from you.
The time is here and now for you to not let it Go away because is not gone, if you hold on to it, and never let it go. Don’t let go of your happiness, your laughter from the heart, the sun rays hitting your face , your whole being feeling the life inside you for as long as we live, we can and must make sure we are happy so we can radiate that happiness to others and bring laughter into other people’s life.