The highlight of your day

Just got my Gold QC status back! Wooooohoooo! :partying_face: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So excited to achieve my intended goal earlier than anticipated. :kissing_closed_eyes:


mine was just a little thing Kdrama shared with me today, “The little Drummer boy” still brings tears to my eyes, to me I put myself as that little drummer boy. thats why the tears



If you can help it from now on, try not to see sad stuff on TV or read sad stuff because that opens the door to feeling depressed, and I know is very hard to do, especially during Holiday season, but any little bit helps. I’m working hard on that, too. I know is hard, but you can do it!


Aw -


I wanted to send you a message, but since your profile is closed, it’s not working.

edit suggestion

I think you wanted to direct this comment to someone else, but now it is looking as if you are talking to yourself. Maybe, you want to edit for whom this comment is meant. :wink:


Last night I watched an online concert. Had to wake up at 2am :sob: lol

It was super enjoyable though! Day2 is tonight and I’m stoked!


Whose was it? Glad you had fun!^^ I do want to attend one someday…


It was, WOODZ “The Invisible City” concert. :heart_eyes:

I hope you can one day! It’s a fun experience even if though it wasn’t in person.


It’s amazing what a spur of the moment trip can do for you, and I highly recommend you try it, too!

I was exhausted, but so happy that although not planned, we had a wonderful time in a ‘‘short trip’’ we made, and had so much more fun than if it was planned.

@frustratedwriter try planning a ‘‘spur of the moment trip’’ just make sure you have comfy shoes and bundle well bc some places are way colder bc of the altitude/place they are located.


that sounds like a plan! and there are places to go for that too, may just take you up on that!!


Manchmal möchte ich einfach nur morgens aufwachen und glauben, daß alles gut ist. Ich möchte mir keine Sorgen mehr machen, einfach nur in den Tag hinein… Ja, einfach Leben, nichts mehr an menschlich negativen fühlen. Lachen ohne schlechtes Gewissen, aus tiefsten Herzen… unbeschwert, wo sind diese Zeiten geblieben?!


Ich möchte wieder erleben, was ich sehe und im tiefsten Sein, die Sonne spüren. Hell und ungestüm… Leben… :heart:


OMG such beautiful scenery. You are so blessed to have so much beauty surrounding you.

Everything is fine as long as you wake up and see such beauty around you.

Don’t worry anymore; There is a passage in the Bible that says; Who of you; by worrying will add years to your life?

I was always afraid that something bad will happen to my kids and I was tormented all the time, but I realized that what’s going to happen will happen even if we kneel, pray or beg so there’s no use in tormenting ourselves when nothing might ever happen but here we are expecting to happen, and adding suffering to our days.

If you want to laugh, laugh, and others will laugh with you. Laughter; is the best medicine and is nothing to feel guilty about. When I laugh, others laugh with me, and I feel no guilt because I made others happy, too. Laugh and make others happy with you.

Remember, you can only feel what’s inside of you, so like the beautiful sunset, the growing flowers, and your immense love towards nature, animal and others, make it grow inside you, and don’t let anything take that away from you.

The time is here and now for you to not let it Go away because is not gone, if you hold on to it, and never let it go. Don’t let go of your happiness, your laughter from the heart, the sun rays hitting your face , your whole being feeling the life inside you for as long as we live, we can and must make sure we are happy so we can radiate that happiness to others and bring laughter into other people’s life.


Thank you for these kind words. Sometimes you need them to move forward again.
Just feel cuddled again from me :heart:


So yeah, the highlight was that they took time out of their day, even though they were busy, to help me out :heart:. And also that I saw them again in person for the first time in very long while :smile:.


Finally finished subbing my first show since being back!

It’s a mini web series, but it felt soooooooo long. lol

This is the first show I subbed eng-thai fully. I’ve only ever done thai-eng. Definitely a new experience.


Nice start to the day, for going meeting the family, open the presents etc christmas stuff. Yesterday didn’t have snow, just cold and frost, it snowed over the night, just when we thought we wouldn’t get a ‘white winter’. The air is crisp and fresh. Even though I don’t care for the bleep aspect of it, it’s the family thing, just which it could be more untangled from it. Anyways, Merry Xmas! :smiley:



My eternal highlight :heart::heart:


Habt alle einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr, egal was war, egal was kommen mag, bleibt Gesund :heart::heart::partying_face::partying_face::clinking_glasses:

Have a happy new year to everyone, no matter what, no matter what may come, stay healthy :heart: :heart: :partying_face: :partying_face::clinking_glasses:





I broke a tradition,

took my tree down and all the decorations before Jan 6!