The low point of your day

this morning at work, cut my finger ( :scream: it had probably collected a lot of blood in me ), teen full of stress, running after the time and last but not least, dropping a full bottle of soda…crash…and then
after work :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::tada::tada:


A local’s post

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I woke up with fever :face_with_thermometer: Yesterday I started with runny nose and feeling tired the evening was getting worse and this morning shivering. My head feels big like a pumpkin!

Congestion is now a bit better but I’m so sleepy. Folks watch out, those bugs are going around, keep it up with your immunity and wash hands.

I’m in the middle of packing for my move but have to stay in bed instead… really bad timing. Drinking lots of herbal teas, hot soup and garlic with some congestion meds. - Just why now… :cold_sweat:


I hope you start feeling better soon!


Get well soon! :green_heart:

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