The odd things C-Dramas taught me about China!

[quote=“porkypine90_261, post:47, topic:30443”]
Jackie Chan in
[/quote] :wink:

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The Knight of Shadows is on my watch list :sunglasses:

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Always looks like chocolate candy


Yes!! One malt ball or bon bon to cure all your ills - or poison you, as the case may be.


Yes ! (丸药) They were mostly used in the ancient China, but some people still use it nowadays! There are modern versions, which are a bit smaller than the traditional ones. It is considered super effective! -Luna


I always wonder how unconscious people can take those pills or drink decoctions without choking! :rofl:


Especially the scenario where they can’t possibly swallow the liquid when you try to spoon it, but that magical medicine kiss somehow gets an unconscious person to swallow every time.


It’s a reflex that only works with your true love. :smirk:




I follow this irl channel on YT, of people in China, and found this about Cicadas. Has anyone watched this happen in a C-drama, or C-movie?

I just found this thread and I plan to journey through it because the K-Drama one has been so funny.

But I did want to add something, in case it wasn’t added before, although I see mentions of it:

  • In historical Chinese dramas, even the mere stubbing of a toe causes these people (and gods!) to spit blood. But not to worry! They’ll be completely fine by the next scene!

When I first started watching these C-Dramas, when it happened I was like, “HE MUST BE REALLY HURT! THIS IS SO DRAMATIC!” and now I’m just like, “Eh, he’ll be fine.” :joy:

Additionally, a similar thing in modern dramas:

  • It seems that when people in China stub a toe or get a scratch, someone will immediately take them to the hospital, because whatever the injury, it’s serious enough for the hospital.
  • Bonus: It seems people in China fall ill only for the purposes of their loved one caring for them so that their romances progress, but as soon as this has been accomplished, they make miraculous recoveries and there is no mention of whatever was wrong with them (I’m looking at you, Zheng Shuyi from “Only for Love”, with your period cramps that miraculously went away as soon as you and Shi Yan wanted to watch a movie.). Also, if it’s something contagious, the other person never ever catches it. It must be a reward for being so caring toward the other person.

But seriously, coming from a culture that is mostly “eh, you’re fine” it’s very funny to me. I always laugh, because imagining a real life situation like that, I always know how it’s going to go down. As a first, nobody would bat an eye, not even the person “injured”. And even if they said anything, all the others around them would be like, “Take you to the hospital? For a scratch (or any other minor injury)? Are you drunk?” Not even a single offer of a band-aid. Somebody might tell you to go wash off in the bathroom if there’s blood. That’s it. :joy: I highly doubt these scenes are accurate to actual people in China too. But that also makes it even funnier, because why are these characters so dramatic? :joy: