The Perverts Club

Yeah I was excited about it cuz it started off HOT I was YAY!!! This will be good…what a let down…I can only hope No Min Woo’s character from Blade and Petal comes and kills them all I’d continue watching just for that…

or when you´re trying to concentrate and the the actor does something extremely cute or he looks super hot and when you see the comments it´s like OMG i´m not the only one!! and then you pay attention to what people writes instead of the scene!!

Para la comunidad latina especialmente centroamericana que nos cuesta
encontrar noticias en nuestro idioma aca les dejo el siguiente blog
donde pueden enterarse de la cultura, musica,dramas,etc. todo de una manera muy ocurrente como si fuera con tus amigas… Apoyemos a estas chicas apoyemos a estas chicas!

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Speaking of No Min Woo insert squealllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllls here he’s got a new drama coming out in April and I thinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk it might be here on viki since I found this page

I have yet to find a trailer available so if anyone happens to come across it pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee post it I’m a HUGE NMW fan he was my #1 pretty boy til @Niennavalar introduced me to my Ren :stuck_out_tongue:
The main female lead is Yang Jin-Sung from Bride of the Century she did such an amazing job in that drama I’m really looking forward to seeing her again.

@supernatural10_573 @ger_o_malley @hesto1 @Niennavalar and anyone else who has of love of the supernatural and Vampires like myself coming in May Orange Marmalade this I am VERY excited about though I must admit I haven’t finished reading the entire series but the chapters I have read were really good!!! So kinda have high expectations for this one hope they don’t destroy it…

Now if they would only make Vampire Knight into a drama I could die and go to Heaven…

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LOL half the time the comments make the drama!!! That’s why I prefer to watch the dramas on here whenever possible :stuck_out_tongue: Sometimes I have to rewind to see what someone else picked up on blushes I’ll admit I have taken screen shot and shared them in here!! ROFLMFAO!!!

OKie dokie! I’ve added Orange Marm. and Unfortunate Boyfriend to my plan to watch list. They both sound right up my ally!
BTW it’s spring break!! meaning time to over indulge in dramas!

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@melliebean_2. Should I watch ‘Tazza’ ? I looked it up and it’s got 21 episodes so asking you if it’s worth a marathon.?

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O_O I only watched the movie LOL the movie is worth drooling over I mean the plot was umm let’s see what was the plot again…

Kk my friend’s daughters have informed me I MUST watch the anime and read the manga for this so planning on checking it out!!! This trailer looks AWESOME can’t wait to see it!!

Sorrry Late to this conversation… Heard it through the Grapevine is a dark comedy? I just thought it was Melo and I was avoiding it like the plague.

@hesto1. It’s so well played and hilarious. I swear my tummy hurts from laughing and the cast play it seriously. The writer is doing a good job on making fun of all the dramas with the usual controlling parents, rich boy poor girl, servants bowing but knowing all the secrets. It’s a howl…

Oh I’m glad you said something… I would have totally passed it by!
Added it to the list!

Well glad to say this also has happened to me. I would have missed a few that I enjoyed if you guys hadn’t made comments that sent me in the right direction.

I kinda feel the same about starting to watch new shows (hot boys, hot boys, hot boys everywhere ><). My new “Imgonnadieificanttouchhim” man is Jiro Wang (from Fabulous Boys) ..

Did you watch the Korean version. Is it as good?

Atm I’m thinking on starting to watch it. Nowdays I prefer taiwanese shows, rather than korean ones. And at first glance taiwanese crew looks more heartthrobbing. :>

I also wathced some taiwanese shows, but since Fall In Love With Me, I was disappointed in them, and didn’t watch more…I mean, they repeat many scenes, like there she went to him, saying where are you, I need you, he avoided her, because the other one liked him, and got hurt because of him and bla…I mean I understand, if they have to extend the drama, but not that often, with the same scene >_>

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Taiwanese dramas are getting better (and they have a bit more passion than Kdramas). But they have a tendency to run a little long. . . or get a ridiculous and screwy. Kinda like @ran_chan_5 said about fall in love with me. I also haven’t watched one since Fall in Love with me. BURNED ME!

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OMG!!! Just came across this new drama watched it on a whim DIED LAUGHING!!! This is purely adult no holds barred in you face well worth checking out but be prepared to be shocked this is like no other K-drama I’ve ever watched :stuck_out_tongue:


@melliebean_2. Are you recommending it? Now that my drama list is almost empty, just following two now and looking for another. I love ‘Heard it on the grapevine’ and just started ‘The girl who sees scents’