The Perverts Club

Well they are cute to look at but I don’t know if it would be such a great idea to keep one…they are known to be crazy trouble makers …i would like one though…

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True. I guess it would be liking having a kid since they kinda human like

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Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m thinking! Troublemaker!!!
But they are so cute and smart… Having a monkey could be nice!!!

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LOL… reminds me of Ross’ monkey, Marcel!!!

and his song " in the jungle the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight"


okay…is the talk abt monkeys over? lol!

Kinda! Since I’m already taking my dog as a “baby”, even if I don’t spoil her… She’s not a thing, she’s a member of our family :slight_smile:


No, I did not talk about my fellow colleague lolllll

How about a game of who would you choose?
Put two hot guys pictures side by side and we pick between them…

  • now to get my lazy self to post a pic*
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HAHAHAHAHA…Good One, especially that Gorilla…kekekeke “wink wink”

Well ladies I’m going to go harass he hubby with new finds added to the list…have good night!!!


Ok, let’s get focused on our serious topic lolll

Really… I was about to tell him shut the…

DIE DIE DIE PREENA die die die…

Okay guys.Night night .Am off ^ ^

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Why don’t you start!!! :smiley:

Lol that sounds like a good idea…lets do that ,Also lets find korean actors when they are least recognizble and guess who they are

Lollll :slight_smile:
Oh, what’s this one ?

i’ve loved that drama!!!