The Perverts Club

ROFLMFAO!!! I JUST watched this ep last night!!! I was that is soooooooooooooooo me!! :dancer:

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Please send ALL of the above to me bedroom coughs I mean my sick room…

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LOL!! BTW I’m back from school which SUCKED found out I actually have 2 tests next week T_T. Sooooooo not going to be a happy camper if Thursday’s class say the test is next week too…
Kk question for the group there is this guy in my class that keeps staring at me from time to time and he looks SOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo familiar would it be weird if I asked if we have met before cuz it’s been bugging me since Monday… O_O O_o. or would he think I was like hitting on him which I TOTALLY am not just would like to know where I know him from…maybe he was in my First Aide course IDK…

Don’t want to study…


Just 1 episode before start…


Ask him… If it bugs you, ask him. But think about his possible answer. What will you do if he says this, or that :slight_smile:

LOL!! Yeah and if says Ohhhhhhhhh your that crazy chick in The Perverts Club!!! XD I will hold my head high and say YUP!!! :smiley:

T_T just turned 24 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear…

He is so HOT…Melts!!! <3

On the Goddess of Fire main page. I have left it open. Leave the answers on the main comments section for the channel :smiley:

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Actually I thought she looked better than me!!! kekekekekekeke

Yeah… Me too!!!


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Hoi Hoi :slight_smile:
I’m so stick on this Hoi Hoi :slight_smile:

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You are sick of hoi hoi??? how is that possible…you have to like hoi hoi! lol!

Not sick, stick… stuck… hum…
Glued to… lolllll

LOL! Okay!!! Yeah…I was wondering how you can be sick of hoi hoi. hoi hoi is the best! I think I misread! :smiley:

lol lol lol our perv fantasy,

You know she is married! Her poor husband!!! But he is far away at the moment!! tsk tsk tsk…lol!

lol that’s what I always say …