The Perverts Club

YES my other GUILTY pleasure…

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MWAHAHA all part of my evil plan to get her to join us to add more!!!

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LOL!! Well he’s 27 so I would imagine so!! :smiley:

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lol i can understand before watching drama i never taugh i could find a asian man cute… my type is more 6.3 dark hair brown eyes 250 pounds of muscles ( alomost ) oh wait did i just describe my husband … :slight_smile:

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My behaviour soooooooooooooooooooooon just to give you warning …

My husband knew of my pretty boy obsession wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy before we got married!! :smiley: And says he’s totally okay with it heck some of my more risque pics he sent to me!!! And that ladies is why I married the man!! :smiley:

kk back to studying…

lol mine might not be to found of but he’s managing lol

I wish my husband was so understanding lol, we don;t talk about it, but we are far far away so, nothing he can do bwahahaha. Mellie, last picture was just my face when I saw the middle one …


by the way were is SapphyyTiger the creator of this awesome club?

She pops in from time to time!!! LOL

Same here LOL!!!

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I just finished watching “Greatest Love” … I really enjoyed it. (I finished about a week ago and I’m still thinking about it.) And it’s got the gal from Master’s Sun in it! I just adore her.

49 days
(I liked both of them as well.)


Hhaha you can tell a lot about someone from their drama list.

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My god!!!
This kind of pic should be illegal,
Wow I’m happy that I passed by before heading to sleep!!!

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Mellie after all this kame night I’m watching an old drama of his, is called “Sapuri”, I like it a lot so far!! wtach it and let me know if you like it

That one is okay Kame is sweet in it. I liked the other one Anego that Kame’s partner in crime Jin is in!!:smiley: I miss those two together T_T. Both of them have the same type of storyline not 100% sure but they may be both based on the same manga?? But I like the older woman younger guy so enjoyed both of them. Gokusen was good well I liked it anyway after reading the manga and watching the anime he’s in the 2nd one and the movie.

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Good morning everyone!! Another day of studying booooooooooooooooooooooooo. This mornings sugar for our coffee’s Kame & Jin thanks to @Niennavalar for reminding me how much I loved these 2 together and how much I miss them together T_T.

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The Greatest Love is the best…And 49 days! Such a good drama, even if…