This Or That (Game)

  • Slaying the enemy with a sword
  • Using magic to turn the enemy into a cockroach
0 voters

Thank you so much. I’ll let you now when my OST playlist is enough complete and good to share it :sparkling_heart: I’ll watch all the dramas you have commented :heart_eyes::people_hugging:


The scenario: Christmas is almost here, which do you choose?

  • Open Gifts :gift: Christmas Morning
  • Open Gifts :gift: Christmas Night
  • Open Gifts :gift: Christmas Eve (The day before)
0 voters
  • Dramas featuring holdidays
  • Dramas without holidays
0 voters
  • See spoilers when you’ve watched the first episodes.
  • No spoilers at all.
0 voters

Great! I hope you enjoy them! :heart:

  • Dramas from the FL’s POV
  • Dramas from the ML’s POV
0 voters
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What would make you more frustrating or curious?? :cowboy_hat_face: :face_with_monocle: :angry:

  • When someone says I have something to say and then leaves after telling it’s nothing.
  • When someone acts like he is fine while he looks not.
0 voters
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That reminds me of the trope in dramas when they have something important to say, but then have to take a phone call and then leave :zipper_mouth_face:


The phone ringing in every scene where something was about to happen in “Only for Love” got me saying, “And now the phone!” every time they were about to kiss. I was right 99% of the time. :joy:


Let’s see what our thoughts are on this…

  • “Bad Boy” ML
  • “Sunshine” ML
  • “Cold and Aloof” ML
  • “Is Chased After” ML
0 voters

And on that note…

  • “She fell first, but he fell harder.”
  • “He fell first, but she fell harder.”
0 voters

What’s the weirdest?

  • the FL goes to hospital for scratches
  • the ML continues to fight and takes care of everyone when he should have died of his wounds.
0 voters
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I mean, scratches may get infected but the ML one is always crazy lol.
if anyone here watched Indian movies, they will get my point. Sometimes they almost dead from all the beating, stabbing, etc… but they just get up to fight when the FL call their name, meanwhile it can take me some time to recover after hitting my toes into something :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I agree with this; for sure both options are crazy lol. Sometimes though the FL literally just hits her arm on a table and the ML is like, “omg are you okay? you should go to the hospital.” Like chill, the girl is fine.


That second one is hard…

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It goes hand in hand with the trope where the villain has a long-winded speech, giving just enough time for rescue to arrive. It’s a staple of all cinema everywhere. :joy:

I always find it funny how easily they go to the hospital in these dramas. I come from a “You’ll be fine!” culture, so it’s always especially funny to me. I feel like if someone here showed up to the doctor for a scratch, they’d leave with more than just a scratch. :joy:

Yeah… I think, for me, ultimately it’s just how the story is written. If I think the romance develops naturally, I’m fine with both, no matter which one of them falls first. I love that for the first one nobody chose the “Is chased after” ML for the first one, though. I also very much prefer the MLs that take action and guys like that in general, for that matter, and it seems we all share similar opinions. :joy:


You run into one of your fav actor/actress while they are clearly on vacation.
What do you do?

Ignore them
I would say something to them

  • Let them have their vacation
  • When will I ever see them again? Say hi
0 voters

You made an enemy out of a mad scientist, who is set on sending you back in time.
Luckily, he gives you a choice. Where would you like to go? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Korea / Joseon / any of the previous iterations
China / Qing / Tang / any of the previous iterations

  • Korea
  • China
0 voters

I recently saw a drama in which the characters mentioned the pandemic (and the effect it had on their life, which was relevant to the storyline).

Which do you prefer?

  • Dramas that acknowledge the pandemic in some way
  • Dramas that act like the pandemic never happened
0 voters
  • Dramas featuring animals
  • Characters turning into animals
0 voters
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