Timed Comments that made you laugh, smile, etc

Most episodes fall into this category :joy_cat:


When everyone in the comment section is mad at the same guy​:rofl::rofl:



We all know the trope :joy:
In Gone with the Rain




and some other comments which were more spoilery, but hilarious


There’s always a jutting piece of rock, presumably lined with soft leaves or moss, or a protruding branch, or a stream (very deep and without rocks, obviously) where you can dive and so on.


All these comments remind me of Mirror of The Witch :joy:


So this woman was almost chocked by someone and the next morning there are marks on her neck, so she invents an excuse that she massaged her neck a bit too hard.


He tried (poor ML) :joy::joy:

The expression:



Actually in this series it’s the first time that I’ve seen him acting. He’s shown definite improvement (it was high time, yes). I think he should be acknowledged for that. There were some scenes, especially in the second half, where you said “he’s an actor”. Maybe not memorable acting, maybe not on par with stellar performances we’ve seen, but it WAS acting. Finally. It’s only fair to celebrate his hard work here. Especially since the drama was so meh.


I think he’s doing well in this drama.
The TCs however, did make me laugh :joy:

A few episodes later:


I’ve recently really grown a soft spot for Cha Eun Woo, because he’s just so adorable, but… yeah. But like @irmar said, he’s definitely improved. This was the first time that I’ve actually properly liked him in a drama. The first drama I saw him in was “My ID is Gangnam Beauty”, so you can imagine what I thought for him for a while. There’s an expression in my language that literally means “Wooden Mary” and it’s basically the definition of that sort of expressionless person and, well, I mean… In my opinion, the leads in that drama really brought that expression to life, to be a little ironic. :joy:

Oh, btw, I just had to make a comment on the “catching colds one”, because I didn’t see the timed comment when I saw the episode, but I definitely said it out loud, so it made me laugh. Colds really are just plot devices in K-Dramas. They’ve either got some strange non-infectious colds in Korea that they can only get from being in the rain or these love interests running to take care of their beloved really do have some iron immune systems. :joy:


At least this time they showed him getting sick to from taking care of her, because in most cases, the significant other comes out unharmed :joy:.


Hahaha! That’s true. At least this time it seemed slightly more realistic, which is saying something about a drama about a girl who turns into a dog at midnight. :joy:





Kid in a xianxia sticks out his tong at the characters.


What? They are kids! :joy::joy:



The 2023 Chinese version of Fated to Love You, nothing like the myriad of ‘post-it-note girl’ dramas

This is the last episode and the drama has lost all reason, physics and logic have no place in this drama. LOL


Slap scene in a historical drama (“Flower Crew: Joseon Marriage Agency”, if anyone was curious) that was not meant to be funny, but the comments accidentally made funny. The first time I watched it, I only thought “Wow, this guy is evil.”, but with the comments I realize how dramatically they acted it out and I have to laugh at how unserious the comments made it seem, looking at it from their perspective. :joy:

I mean, he legit jumped back like a spring. Didn’t even faze him for a second.

funny comment 3
Then this follows right after, because the poor guy didn’t even change his face expression and they just continue talking.

funny comment 4
The funny thing was that the conversation was already going when this one appeared. It definitely left an impression on people, it seems.

I’ve gotten in the habit of watching with timed comments, because it either adds to the comedy or it makes some of the serious scenes so unserious too. Comments may be random sometimes, but some can be gems. :joy:


Yes, these are the best type of comments and the only reason I turned the TCs on sometimes :grinning:.
Too bad that these gems are becoming harder and harder to find (which is why this topic is handy).


Oh, I know what you mean. I’ve noticed usually in the super popular dramas there are those “spam” comments, like for example, in “True Beauty”, half the comments were either “Su Ho!” or “Seojun!” mixed in with “How do I turn the comments off?”, which was kind of funny in itself. But in the less popular dramas, I think it’s more likely to find these kinds of gems.

Although, I do have to admit that even in “True Beauty” some made me laugh, but I couldn’t screenshot at the moment and they unfortunately got lost somewhere after that with other comments. I remember the two that really made me laugh were one saying “Is he’s rapping?” when one of the characters said something really fast, because he was angry, and another one saying, “When you figure out you’re the second lead”, when the second lead realized the FL liked the ML. :joy:

But yes, I especially love this thread because we can gather all the gems among the random comments and laugh about them together. :joy:


My all-time favorite timed comment is from the beginning of a Chinese historical drama. I don’t remember the exact wording, but maybe at 2 minutes into the first episode, when the ML first appeared in traditional historical hairstyle, someone put: “I hate the hairstyle, why did they have to do that???”

I also laughed hard at the comments about the totally psycho emperor in Unchained Love. The psycho emperor was delusional and “in love” with the FL. There was a point when our ML and FL finally consummated their love and someone said something like “Oh no - psycho toad will be livid!” This is classic peanut gallery stuff, I love it.

And a recent one:


I’ve seen people insult the traditional clothes and hairstyles, especially in Chinese dramas in the Timed Comments. Personally, they annoy me. Just like the ‘this drama is so boring’ comments that seem to be everywhere now.

At least you seem to enjoy these comments :see_no_evil:.

I do remember one commenter who kept commenting how boring a drama was and that they would skip scenes, only to ask questions that they would have the answer for if they had watched the scenes. Other commenters were calling them out by name and said something like:
“If only you had watched the scenes you said you would be skipping.”
“If only a certain person hadn’t kept skipping, go back and watch the drama.” :laughing: