Translation Editor Role and Reward Released

I join my voice to the request by the previous posters to withdraw the double reward thingie which is unfair and divisive for our community.
Yes, all OL editors are technically Translation Editors, since they edit translations (duh!). No editor edits ONLY grammar or punctuation, we edit those and also inaccurate translations. It’s all part of what editing is, you cannot separate the two kinds of tasks, and it’s absurd to have two different people, one for the grammar etc. and one for the translation.
This said, on Viki we have been calling Translation Editors only the ones in the English team. And those also don’t need to be awarded double. They are important just as everyone else. It’s teamwork, no one should be given more importance than the others.

Dear Viki,
it’s not embarrassing to admit that something was a mistake. It can happen. It’s okay to take back something that doesn’t work. We will appreciate you all the more for taking our sincere feedback into account.