[Upcoming] [KDrama] Who Are You: School 2015 (Recruiting Moderators, Segmenters, Translators)

Updated 20th March

The title has been licensed for Americas + QCs; starts Monday 27th March.
We’re still looking for more team members!

Open positions

  • Korean to English translators
  • Segmenters (preferably have experience)
  • Language moderators (for languages not listed below; need experience as subber/moderator)
  • Translators for all languages

School 2015 Channel


  • Language moderators and Segmenters - Contact xomachi
  • Translators - Contact your language moderator if one exists, else contact xomachi

(Check the channel page for more details)

Language moderators
English - eukleia or julie125
Chinese - miyuhyoeun
French - missshona
German - yukimarie or fredericae
Italian - Klover92
Polish - byumm
Portuguese - annjull
Romanian - denisse_bach
Spanish - kalmendarez
Vietnamese - zano_v

1 Like

Hi, I can help with segmenting ^^

better if you directly send him/her a message via viki =)

Yep, better to send a private message on the main site.
But I check in pretty often anyway c:

Bump for visibility.

Channel has been licensed for Americas + QCs; one week from premiere.
Still looking for more help: If you’d like to help, see the main post for details.