[Viki Community] November Updates - Fall Subathon 2021 *Updated 11/17

There are no office hours on Saturday and Sunday, so I don’t think anything will happen before Monday.


Just summarizing. :wink:

Hi all, your Fall Subathon badge is now applied! We are still sorting out the Top 100 badge in the meantime. Appreciate your patience!


Hi Jeslyn,
I didn’t get my badge yet.

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Neither did I.

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The same with me, I didn’t receive…

Same for me, I didn’t get my badge. @jeslynl

I got it. Thanks.

Hi! I didn’t get any badge. I really contributed a lot in that period :slight_smile:

No badge yet. I’ve done over 5.000 subs. Maybe is just a little slower and will be up soon? Thank you :two_hearts:


@jeslynl I see the top 100 badge is still in process, but can I ask how it’s calculated?

I saw people with the 1k badge who have gotten it already, and I also recently noticed people with last year’s 1k badge who got it then. I got the 5k badge, both last year and in this round, but nothing else. The 5k was applied today (thank you!) but I am extremely curious about how the top100 one works. Is it the top100 of the subathon or is it the top100 featured in the leaderboard at the time, entirely independent of the subathon specific contributions? If you could clarify, that would be greatly appreciated!

Below is one random example of each:

Edit: adding my own badges for comparison


I haven’t received my badge :disappointed_relieved:

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I haven’t got my badge neither… I did about 5000 at the subathon.

I also haven’t got my Korean badges at all (I subbed one show all by my self, so it’s safe to say I’ve earned them :sweat_smile: Or are there some shows that don’t count?) same with the Japanise badge.
I’ve issued ticket a month ago about the Korean badges, but have’t heard back :expressionless:


For this one, you have to issue a ticket. Japanese badges don’t show up themselves.
The Korean one is supposed to appear by itself, though, so it’s strange you haven’t got it yet.


Oh, thank you. I’ll issue a ticket for the Japanise badges after I’ve finnished the shows that are now ongoing :blush:

My Taiwanise and Thai badges appeared up on their own, though :woman_shrugging:
I read on the other threads, that it does usually take about a week to get a reply on your ticket, so I was wondering should I issue new one, since it has been a month.


I noticed that the time it takes to reply to tickets has increased. A few months ago, I also got replies within a week, but now some are open for months before a reply :frowning:
Good luck on getting the badges!


I still don´t have mine o.o

I finally got my 10k badge but havent get the top 100, which makes me wonder how this works :sweat_smile: I’ve seen some people with 1k badge had top 100 badge as well, so fingers crossed, hope I can get mine too!


I haven’t received my badge yet! @jeslynl

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I got mine. Thank you!:heart_eyes: