[Viki Community Team] 2024 Summer Subathon is near!

Yesss finally… thankyou so much @brendas :heart::heart_eyes:

Everyone jaiyou! :muscle:t2: we can do this, :crossed_fingers:t2:


[quote=“brendas, post:51, topic:55334”]
Thank you to @dimghro @cerejacult @xialongne @_lyla2 and everyone else who inquired if we could award all the badges up to the point level you achieved. We know this means a lot and are taken by your kindness! I chatted with Adriana who will be the one manually awarding badges and she has graciously agreed so consider this a formal YES! At the end of Summer Subathon you will earn all the point badges up to the final point badge level you reached. The surprise participation badge will still be awarded to everyone who earns a point badge as well! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you to everyone for being a part of this community! :sparkling_heart:
[/quote] @adriana #fighting :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I AM SO HAPPY!!! @brendas, thank you so so so much :heart::heart::heart::heart:




Just a question : the way to count our contributions has changed ? Or is it just me ? Explanation : I’m an OL editor and OL moderator. Subathon is the occasion for me to edit a max on my projects and get beautiful badges. But as everyone know editing is not creating a subtitle. It’s making updates on an exiting subtitle. I was editing a project, then I’ve checked my contributions to know how many I have to make more to get some badges. Then, I’ve realised than viki only counts 4 subtitles while I’ve created more than 50 subtiltes from yesterday. I’ve checked the project and i’ve seen that 4 segments were really blank and I’ve created them while updating some OST. Other subtitles were updated by me because English edition has published changements.
If there a new rule of count, it’s really unfair for us editor because we don’t create new subtitles, we are updating them to have a better quality. All my work doesn’t count now on subathon ? PS : before the event my editing work was counted.

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That would be a little crazy.

There have been glitches regarding contribution count for the past 2-3 weeks. Some even report that they’ve gone significantly down on their total segment count over night.


I’m sure they had not been counted over night since it’s from Monday. I’ve tested 2h ago to see how the count will be. If I create a subtitle on a blank segment : it’s count. If I update a subtitle already created by one of my subtitler (for edition) or by me (some ost) : it’s not counted.
I really hope it’s just a bug because it’s my 1st time experience this. I also think it would be crazy but I’ve tested it before posting here.


I’ve tested again on one of my old project : if I update a sub not created by me > it’s now counted. On last Monday it wasn’t the case. If I update a sub created by me > it’s no more counted. So I suppose the update of way to count was post somewhere on discussions here, or I missed it. I was surprised. It’s counted like this from when ? I’ve missed the info. I supposed a while.

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I may be misunderstanding what you are trying to say, but you can personally get credit for any given segment only one time. If you created the sub or if you edited it once already, any further changes you make to it will not count as an additional contribution. For me, this has always been the case since I got started about two years ago.

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No, I wasn’t aware of this > sorry but it wasn’t the case before on old times. I’m here since… It’s doesn’t matter. I’m an editor and work on differents projects. Nowadays I was editing one where I was also contributing as moderator that’s why I’ve seen that updating one of my contributions now doesn’t count. I really wasn’t aware of it. But as I edit other projects in the same time I’ve not noticed it before. Now, I’ve learned something.


Ah, I see… @my_happy_place is absolutely right:

  1. Editing a subtitle you created yourself never counted extra towards contribution points.

  2. Only editing a subtitle someone else created will give you a point.

  3. If you created a subtitle, someone else (or several people) edited it, and then you wrote a final edited subtitle, it would still only give you one point per subtitle.

Basically, in subbing you can’t earn more than one point per segment.


Loving the badges :heart_eyes: Hoping to contribute enough for the butterfly one :crossed_fingers:


Thank you @Brendas @Viki. for finally fixing the contribution point system to count contribution points for all the invisible timing work that Segmenters actually do!

For the first time ever, I have managed to stay above #50 during a subathon! I am usually wiped off the list by 3 pm on day one.

THANK YOU! All segmenters thank you! I see the names of so many segmenters on the leaderboard now!