[Viki Community Team] An Update on Editor Roles and Rewards

There were many instances in really old shows where segments (and the translation) were being raised to the current level of quality. In those cases, where the episodes were released to OLs a long time ago, segmenters were battling sometimes 10+ languages just to fix two segments :wink:

Still, in those cases, they could take their time as those were old shows. Nowadays, we have on-air channels that come with 2 or more languages and we by no means get extra time because of it.

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Sure thing! But that wasnā€™t my point.

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While everyone is bickering, this is what Viki has wanted all along. To create a diversion, then slowly nitpick us out, then eventually there will be no segmenters, no editors, no subbersā€¦ It will become Dr-m-f-ver, of old.


Iā€™m not editor (I have only been a Swedish editor once), but Iā€™m happy for whoever gets a perk. I think Viki is doing the best they can to make everyone happy and thatā€™s not an easy task. I have previously worked on shows that has given me one or two points after doing a whole part as a segger, I reminded myself that the reason Iā€™m a Viki volunteer in the first place is that I want great subtitles and for that to ge able to happen great segments (Iā€™m really happy that seggers are more recognised nowadays).
I know that perhaps someone like me should stay in my corner but canā€™t we be happy that they are trying to change things, this is probably not the last change they do. I strongly believe that they are listening and trying to make a change, and if they discover that this didnā€™t work then nothing says that they canā€™t change things again.


Itā€™s not so much that they get a perk. Itā€™s the thought behind it. Itā€™s Viki saying, ā€œthese people deserve more than others,ā€ thereby overlooking other hardworking people. Itā€™s Viki openly saying that certain other people are not that important or donā€™t work as hard. I hope you know that I am not on Viki for the contribution points. But I do think that since quite some time, Viki has not been treating us fairly and this new idea only adds to that.
That said, the new role was supposed to be here yesterdayā€¦ I wonder if they might be reconsidering. If so, that could indeed be a sign that they are listening to us this time.


Not at all! If anything, there are too few voices involved in this discussion. I would love to hear the opinion of more people in diverse roles and other experiences than my own :smiley:


Meanwhile some people have reported one of my previous posts here, the one where I was saying that some volunteers are obsessed with number of contributions.
Of course I can easily guess that itā€™s those people I was referring to (not anyone in particular, but a category of volunteers) who got offended and reported my post, ha ha.
I made an edit and itā€™s appearing again, but if it gets flagged again, it will be hidden ā€œforeverā€. Letā€™s see how long it will take them to report it again.
Do your best, Iā€™m waiting.


Do you mean this:

so it throws some bone to them, and they yap drooling ecstatically and gratefully, saying that ā€œGee, see, Viki listens to us, it gave us what we wanted!ā€

I didnā€™t report that, but I did indeed find it rude and distastful. Can we just talk substantively and without getting personal?


Indeed, Dear.

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How is this ā€œpersonalā€? I didnā€™t even have in mind a specific person when I wrote it, just a category. Well, I suppose people who do that might feel called out.

This category is the majority of this community. And even if it were minority, it would still be considered inappropriate. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. But there is a right way to say it, and there is a wrong way to say it.

I really hope we now abandon this topic and focus on the community issues at hand.