[Viki Community Team] Announcing Event Badges for 2025!

Hello Viki Contributors,

We are excited to introduce event badges for 2025!

Event badges can be earned by making at least 100 contribution points during select Asian holidays. There will also be badges for special Viki events!

To make each event more meaningful, we’ll be sharing fun facts leading up to the occasion. The hope is to introduce you to a new culture, new tradition – or new superstition! :blush:

Here’s a preview of some event badges you can earn in 2025:

  • Lunar New Year (January)
  • Golden Week (Japan/April)
  • Mid-Autumn Festival (Sept/Oct)

Event badges can be collected every year. Details on the Lunar New Year badge coming soon!


Hello. Why the top badge for 2025 january to february is not at my profile? Please if someone of the community team relate to this issue, can help me, I will be glad. I did finished in position 62. I live in Puerto Rico US, and my contribution reach that position.
Thanks a lot!
Eunice / eesquilin_690

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Hi, @eesquilin_690 ! Thank you for your question. :pray:
I believe you may be referring to your position on the Contributor Leaderboard? If so, I’m afraid the Leaderboard counts contributions made since the start of each month vs. the specific time period to earn the Lunar New Year badge. When we looked at your contributions made during just the Lunar New Year badge period, it was unfortunately outside the Top 100. Hope this clears things up!

Will there still be subathons or spring-a-thon like last year? Or just the event badges?

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