[Viki Community Team] French Machine Translations

They placed a red banner at the Help Center. I was only checking on my inbox. Boom, and out … I got another 20 minutes on my drama, then I need to fix something to eat anyway. Will see about it later, well somehow it happens more often the past 10 days, it happened on 3 different days. I feel kind of relieved that discussions never seems to be affected by it.


Here is one:

And they are still asking for other language subs as they did during airing.


Thanks dudie, I thought I would start seeing things. We do not know how visible this is in other devices. How people use Viki? Or if they are just used to getting subtitles in their preferred language?

P.S. Is the wind blowing as hard in your area as in mine?

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Yes it has been windy the whole day but I just closed the bathroom window as the wind was howling pretty hard in the bathroom and the windows above the doorframes started to tick. The wind seems to be getting worse. For some provinces code yellow is issued.

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For my region it’s code orange at the moment, my bedroom’s window faces west, I thought I would let the shutter open but it doesn’t help too much the wind is howling and the peak gust speed is nothing to laugh off and every now and then it rains heavily at least no hail. The north is far worse though it’s code red for them, hopefully nothing too bad will happen tonight. I am so tired and just can’t even take a nap.

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I’m just glad they removed the old trees in front of our house a few years ago. It’s code green here but in the west and east side it’s yellow so it’s odd. Code orange or red is really bad be careful and only go outside when you have too while it’s orange or red. Maybe you can use ear plugs if you have any?

Lot’s of rain here too all day.

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Finally it’s quiet I didn’t take a look outside, hope everything is still in place. I was out last night just to check and put everything fragile aside. I slept, but I am tired as if I hadn’t. Need a breakfast something that kicks my blood sugar.
About rain, I left my rain gage untouched last week we had about 34 liters per m², not too bad, as the summer was not as dry as last year but still too dry. Have a nice day/week.

They are not using an existing tool, they are trying to make one. There are systems for translation, yep … But … As far as I know, there is no system that can deliver just in time automated translation for movies etc … Text that don’t convey emotion and only talk about it - there is no problem to translate via bot, but when emotions are the center of dialogues it is more than lacking, since other things are involved as well.
Viki said they “accidentally” used the bot in some dramas they didn’t actually want to … Anyway, if the base is not edited we know what the outcome is, it’s easy to tell. As easy as it might be to add bot translation, deleting them again might take longer. Viki was collecting data from the volunteers which channels bot subs need to be removed again. I think we still are at that point. All in good time hopefully better in any way possible. Let’s not lose hope.


I was watching Black Knight when it was airing and I’m not sure if those subs where bot translations, translations provided by content owner or done by paid Viki subbers. Overall I didn’t think the quality was really bad. Not our usual standard but OK. The main issue I had with this Kdrama was the segging. I had to pause and rewind a lot because so many normal sentences where split in 2. So as I was reading the sub the other half already popped up before I was done. And no they where not split because they where to long.


I have seen results from some of the expensive ones (being at the receiving end of ‘fully translated’ documents) and I have to say they are only good for translating washing machine manuals and legal text templates.
Anything more creative than that would better be cured by humans.

From the free systems, I use google and, considering the trainloads of data and free feedback from all sorts of sources it is getting, I find it extremely inaccurate.

Volunteers have indulged them for so long that now it is a given.


this sounds like a paying job performance sheet… it left a bit bitter after taste, I get your idea yet it looked a bit worrisome… I feel that there are too many variables in play which may prevent such ruling… isn’t Viki’s idea that everyone can contribute…

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I just got there, following your message. And, Yes!!! That’s one of the Several reasons why WE CAN’T TAKE VIKI VOLUNTEER WORK SERIOUSLY, just for fun and ONLY WHEN WE WANT TO… That is, while they don’t “dismiss” all volunteers hahahahaha

Sure, everyone can contribute. But the final product must be of decent quality. This means that, even if you put hours of your precious time as a subber, and I (as a mod) find massive mistakes in your translations, I will overwrite all of your efforts.

Ultimately, it’s not that everyone can contribute, but everyone can try to contribute, if you know what I mean. If it were not so, we could just let the bot loose.

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…and the moderator will end up doing it twice, which rather defeats the idea of someone else doing it the first time. This is part of what makes moderation a challenge, to assess the difficulty sometimes of an unseen drama and hire accordingly. Then to edit the work, and hope for content and happy folks in a Team, rather than frustration and dropping out from disappointment in the drama itself or the difficulty of the task.


Bonsoir, Très heureuse de lire votre avis en français. Je suis éditrice et j’interviens après les segmenteur.trice.s puis traducteur.trice.s J’espère que le principe du volontariat se poursuive pour les différents intervenants sur une vidéo. On parle de machine pour traduire mais comment une machine peut trouver les subtilités de la langue française : savoir si l’on emploie IL ou ELLE en traduction de IT ? comment une machine peut déjouer les pièges des expressions françaises voire des reprises. Je ne suis pas devenue éditrice par hasard : j’aime ma langue et souhaite que les apprenants du monde entier aient une traduction juste. Par mon action bénévole, j’espère contribuer à la valorisation de la langue française (la langue des rois !). Certes si nous sommes très prolifiques, Viki nous offre notre abonnement. Or, je ne pense pas que cet avantage est la base de notre motivation. Pour ma part, ce n’est pas cela… c’est juste apporter aux internautes une lecture fluide et correcte ! Si des responsables de Viki lisent ce message, j’espère qu’ils comprendront notre sentiment (le vôtre, le mien et celui de l’ensemble de la communauté des membres et/ou fans francophones) et continueront à nous faire confiance. Merci pour votre soutien !

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