[Viki Community Team] Honoring our Segmenting Community

Hi everyone,

Yesterday we announced that there will only be A&C segmenting opportunities moving forward, now that all shows are arriving pre-segmented. As we move into this new world of A&C segmenting, we wanted to give a proper farewell to “segmenting from scratch,” and thank our segmenting community. Segmenting – and particularly segmenting from scratch – requires dedicated focus, patience, and a passion for the process – all of which our Segmenters have shown in spades.

Speaking of dedication, did you know that it takes an average of 3 – 6 months of Ninja Segmenting Academy enrollment to be fully trained on how to segment? Here are some extra fun facts about our Viki Segmenters:

  • The first segment ever created was on March 16, 2008 by user huimimori for Episode 1 of the comedy drama “Full House”.
  • Our segmenting community has earned a total of 52,200,143 contribution points. Incredible!
  • Over the course of Viki’s history, 7,151 Contributors created a segment for their very first contribution.

In light of all these accomplishments and more, we are honoring the 1,300+ Segmenters who have attained QC status during their lifetime at Viki with a one-time only “golden scissors” legacy badge. If you see a fellow Contributor with this legacy badge on their profile page, please give them shoutout in the comments below! They are the ones who’ve helped build the strong foundation upon which our subtitles could live. :heart:

We will also be sending specially designed “Segmenting Blobby” stickers to everyone who received a legacy badge – please check your PMs tomorrow for a form link to receive your commemorative stickers!

Once again, thank you to the Segmenting community. We hope to build this next chapter of the segmenting community with you!


Viki Community Team


Thank you for acknowledging everyone in the segmenting community.:heart:


The post said that 1300+ viki fans attained QC status as segmenters. I am surprised the number is so low compared to the 52,200,143 segments which were cut. I remember when it was not uncommon for a newly graduated segmenter to attain QC status in a week or so of cutting after graduation from Seg 101 or Ninja. I feel so sad for the new graduates who won’t be able to utilize fully their training.


Big thank you to all segmenters throughout the years, who have helped make the viewing experience so much more pleasant and continues to do so! :heart:


Thank you for the nice surprise! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Dear Viki Staff,

Thank you So much for honoring such hard workers.

:top: :sparkling_heart: :cherry_blossom:


Aw trip to memory lane… I remember I watched Full House on Viki at that time and it was Goong which got me on Viki. At the time I didn’t know I could actually join in and help out at the time but when I did join and started contributing it quickly became a hobby. How a joint uni project of a few students could turn into this…

And I’m also surprised about the 1300, it seems a bit low to me. But 7,151 looks low as well… I thought there where more for sure.


I didn’t understand who’ll get the golden scissors badge exactly.
I want to know whether I am one of the 1300 segmentors or not.

Can anybody explain pleaseeee.

@padmalayag All those who had 3000 segments up to that point.


Oh, I see. Got it. Thanks a lot! :heart:

I would like to thank with tears in my eyes to all those of you who worked so hard on segmenting and translating into Romanian!! My mom loves k-dramas, I and my sister too, and I know English language very well, my sister French very well. We can watch with a full heart only if it’s translated into Romanian! Thank you very much to all segmenters and all Romanian translators! You did an amazing job and made so many people happy!!


So now there’s no opportunities for new segmenters?

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There are plenty of opportunities. But you are going to have to do A&C, in most cases with English and Portuguese subtitles. No more segmenting from scratch. But then again, that already was rare the last few years.


Thank you! The Master Segmenter is my favorite.


So cute!!! Can’t wait to get them :heart::heart: