[Viki Community Team] May 2024 Updates

I fully get it because it would be confusing :dotted_line_face:

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I’ve also tried to access TD several times and the only thing that shows it’s an empty box…

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The Team Discussions are based on Disqus and can cause various issues, including their disappearance if you don’t accept all the cookies. However, you can’t even accept all of them sometimes without the correct link. I had this problem once and could only access them again when some other Viki contributor sent me a link that worked (and asked me to accept the missing cookies). Technically, Viki has more issues currently than before. Same with the PMs and some other websites that show tons of errors if you “overused” them which easily happens if you’re reading various PMs for example.


I shared that link in the topic “Missing Team Discussions” but still it’s not working lately - for me. :frowning:

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Dear zxyw,

I’ve opted to delete my post since it’s too long and I was going to reply you yesterday, but this limit thing here didn’t allow me LoL So, I’ll be precise and concise:

Reports need to be filtered. Some habits as flloding CMs with messages just to strip someone out of his/her position, is it not being done out of malice? I wonder. That was my point. I’m not the person involved but I’m a witness and find such attitudes revolting: Live and let live!!

About the abuse of CMs, Viki should do the same way they are doing it now: by programming and giving a cover page designer position, CS position…

Viki couldn’t assing me any punishment because I was badly slandered by a pair of haters, I wasn’t an abuser.
Many distorted truths and even big fat lies were told. Even a hater’s friend advised me back then to never take my nick back ever again. Imagine the extent of the slander!

When I left, I talked with the CMs, dealt with it properly and had only one ongoing project. According to that person, I supposedly left a bunch of abandoned projects. I only wish I could demand for defammation (international laws should make such processes easier regarding international online slander) . l’ve would won the process in a blink of an eye.

Have a Marvelous week!^^


Over 3 years ago, Team Discussions suddenly disappeared out of the subtitle tools of many users. It turned out not to be a technical issue but a change in the terms and conditions of one of Viki’s third parties. To get our TD back, we were told to accept so-called “social-media cookies.” @worthyromance asked Viki to address the situation and in that same thread, the staff promised me they were working on it:

Now, I have no problems whatsoever with functional cookies. If the sole purpose of the cookies I had to accept was the functioning of Viki and everything on it, then there was no issue. But we are talking about social-media cookies here, one of the more shady kinds of cookies.

Social Media Cookies - TermsFeed

- Define Social Media Cookies | Termageddon

Different types of cookies: learn all about internet cookies

So we are expected to accept cookies that at the very least potentially could track us. In fact, they probably do cause otherwise, it wouldn’t even be necessary to separately list them as “social-media cookies.” Then they would simply be “functionality cookies.” Anyhow, as long as there isn’t a clear and absolute guarantee in Viki’s cookie policy that these cookies are by definition NOT used for tracking purposes, I am not willing to take the risk. I live in the GDPR area so I shouldn’t have to.

Ever since my TD disappeared back in 2021 and I was waiting for Viki to address the issue, I have been living without it and I have done so in all possible roles. At times, that has led to some inconveniences like misunderstandings or simply me feeling left out. But those inconveniences didn’t come from the fact that TD is so great that no other communication option could replace it. They simply came from the fact that everyone else kept using it.
I’ve said it before: Viki could easily create their own version of TD, without shady third-party cookies. I assume that the reason they don’t has more to do with business politics than with anything else. Well, so be it then. I have found ways to work my way around TD.

Yet now, after all these years of hoping for a proper solution, Viki is defining me as an abuser:

afbeelding https://contributorhelp.viki.com/hc/en-us/articles/18459867909523-Viki-Contributor-Guidelines

If the reason for this is to make it possible for Viki to keep an eye on our progress, I’d be happy to include @fsl_viki in my group chats on VikiMail. Or I can assign someone to post on TD for me, like I already do in some cases.
However, calling me an abuser while I’ve stayed dedicated to Viki all these years, in spite of the inconveniences, is insulting. I have the right to protect my privacy and my online experience. Create a TD that doesn’t involve third parties and I’ll be happy to join.


Well, it is a one-sided approach. For example, there are people who are in charge of projects despite them having 20 more which is definitely a violation of Viki rules. Is it malicious to contact a CM if the project doesn’t proceed and was received through such means? Or is there an issue with the system?
While I usually refrain from it in such cases, there are usually reasons for things, whether someone considers them acceptable or important or rather not.

In another case, I previously reported someone about 5 months ago that spent their time filling half an episode with „subtitles come soon“ which is obviously abusive. Even now the subtitles are still there, the person kept their status and the CMs never replied. If I were to report it again, this would be considered a violation. :roll_eyes:


I fully support your claim since I’m also quite concerned with online privacy.


Dear xylune,

You know, I was addressing a very specific situation about someone who worked as subber on my teams and was very responsible, abiding by the rules and always improving. One day, that person (let’s name him/her Kate) was selected as an OL Mod. and, suddenly, she wrote me (very sad and hurt) informing me she was stripped of her position due a flood of messages to the CM claiming she was an abuser in the past.

I was taken aback and too shocked with those news. That wasn’t Entirely the person I knew, so I fully believed it was pure slander out of unfair competition.

Every time Kate goes to a team, CMs receive a flood of messages trying to scare them about her just to have her removed from the team.

Time has proven and I am witness that person has not been abusing. (Personal issues aside, I must be fair.)

Those people who repeteadly report her are clever, so they also must have noticed that person has completed projects succesfully and it’s not abusing, plus I believe they must have heard how much her teams love her.

If Kate was really an abuser, her projects wouldn’t have been completed and that would have been proven by now. No one would have dared to work with her anymore because her very CMs would have reported her to the other CMs.

By the way, those CMs who worked with her have my Utmost respect for believing in what they saw and not in what people said, as it should be in a healthy community.

Time has proven those claims really lack substance.

Nobody here is Mod. out of pity, I guess.

So, what about the reason regarding this flood of messages to the CMs? Why does it happen? That lead us directly to the field of personal values.

Before I go on further: I fully respect the way we were all raised and what we value. It’s quite personal, no one have a say on that. Absolute respect. :cherry_blossom:

Now, I’ll proceed:

Since I was a little kid my parents, my family, my teachers and the people around me (those amazing beings), taught me that everyone who had made mistakes, as long as they mend their ways, have the right of a second chance. Therefore, they must be helped to stand up once again.

I fully believe all of us are light and shadows and that all of us have made mistakes.

Most of the people who dislike me it’s precisely of a certain community because I dared to tell exactly, on a group message, what I though about those who seem to be delighted in cutting off other’s peoples wings instead of guiding and helping, giving second chances because none of us is perfect.

Those who never did mistakes, please, feel free to throw the first stone.

Did you know what? The most important part is precisely too ironic: None of us here in Viki have real concrete evidence that person was an abuser in the past.

Why flooding CM’s with such scaring messages about that person specially when (if it was an abuser in the past) has already mended his/her ways and changed, then?

Does it make sense? Not for me.

At this point, everything is up about what we value as individuals regarding other human beings.

Regarding those cases you pointed out as examples that should be reported, just dialogue with Viki. They already said it:

Work together, the way I see it, since they already changed the rules about our oldies CMs. it’s that we together must cooperate and give feeedback in order to have a better Viki for all of us.

I think, according to what I see through their words and actions, they are open to improvements, so why do not gather more people concerned about such specific situations and let Viki know about the need of some changes regarding this guideline/rule?

Obviously, reports must be really narrowed down to plain and objective evidence to build a better Viki for each and everyone of us, from A to Z. What you have showed us in your post can be proved plainly, so I do not see any obstacle for achieving those things if you talk to Viki.

They are open for further improvements, they already showed that. Why not try? Just do what you, guys, think it’s best :cherry_blossom:

Thank you for reading me!^^



I didn’t know, if I should reply to the post you deleted or not, so I waited.

In what way? How?

Then does it matter that you got reported? I’m not afraid of being reported. If someone wants to do that, they can. I’m confident that I didn’t do anything wrong and I can prove, that my subs are not machine translated or anything else.
I believe that reports should be permitted and that Viki should check them and verify them in a timely manner (not a year, pls).

You too :blossom:


Filtered, the way I see, is building a guideline/rule detailing fully what could be considered as an objective and not subjective report. All those exposed by you and our peers here were objective, so they shouldn’t be considered abuse. ^^

Waiting for a timely answer and

would be obviously great! :+1:

To tell you the truth? As long as I know, I wasn’t… But I might have been… All of us make mistakes, I make plenty everyday (you know I’m exaggerating trying to pass the idea of human’s imperfection analogue to all of us), but always try to do my best to improve and make up for them after reflecting upon myself :upside_down_face: If we don’t know what the mistake was, how can we improve? So, sometimes, it takes some time. :upside_down_face:



“Not using Team Discussions within the Viki tool for team communications” cannot be termed abuse.

  1. I have many TEs who don’t like to use TD. They use our group chat and/or a private chat to message me or their GE.

  2. Many times, comments get deleted on TD for strange reasons so people find it a hassle to use it.

  3. Sometimes, TD simply doesn’t work. When TD doesn’t work for people, they have to delete browsers, shut off their computer, restart, accept cookies again, try to get into TD again, yet still it doesn’t work!

  4. Tagging someone on TD is very finicky work! I have to write the message, then add the @name at the end. If I add the tag at the beginning, it disappears when I write the message. This is very frustrating when the whole message disappears sometimes even when I tag at the end.

  5. Tagging two people on one post doesn’t work at all for me. My computer is not new like other people’s. My internet in the countryside is not as fast as other people’s.

  6. Some people dislike all the scrolling they have to do to find what is relevant for them. They have to scroll past all the segmenting messages, people signing in, problems with episode parts, Other Language teams, OST notices, etc.

  7. People should be able to sign in by ticking/clicking on a post.

  8. When I check my TD comments, I cannot reply to them from one spot, but I must go to each drama to reply. That is a time-consuming process. I should be able to reply from the show’s TD where I am editing.

  9. Some people find they cannot use a firewall in order to access TD. That leaves their computer open to viruses and attacks. One TE had to remove her strong firewall. My husband wants me to use the firewall, but TD and other tools won’t work for me then. In order to edit on Viki, I don’t access my bank accounts on my computer, only on another device. Some people don’t have another device.

  10. I don’t have time for social media because Viki takes most of my spare time. The cookies don’t bother me, although I get bombarded with ads on my email account. But for all who use social media, it’s wrong not to grant them freedom of privacy.


Just to add to your list (or expand on one of your points):
The notification error in the TD / Disqus still hasn’t been fixed, so even if I see that I have notifications, I cannot access them. After 9+ notifications, you have no idea whether you have gotten a notification or not. You will have to use another platform anyway to communicate with some of your teammembers, because they face the same issue / you won’t get notified when they message you (@ you) in TD.


@vikicommunity thank you for the clarification on the CMs selection process and for providing us with guidelines.

But most important - for future badges, can we have a zoo badge, and each contribution count to be different animals?

@shraddhasingh suggested it but I wanted to make sure it gets asked here. :slight_smile:


Not to forget the group selfie badge at the end of a subathon.


I simply talked about the fact that there are different situations that provide good reasons for reports. In my opinion, some dynamics behind the scene would’ve been weaker as well if Viki reacted in time and accordingly as well. There were quite a few cases in Viki’s past where someone claimed innocence even if they weren’t innocent at all - and it’s rather simple to prove these claims. Still, I am not referring to whatever you mentioned since I don’t know the details and I don’t think it’s helpful to discuss it in details in here either. This thread is about finding solutions and discussing the whole picture and possible issues with the changes. However, if someone got caught for violations once and quietly starts over/ doesn’t repeat things, likely nothing happens.

While it is the reporter’s interest to only provide conclusive evidence that meets the requirements (for example, in games you shouldn’t send in screenshots older than XX months if you want to report someone), it shouldn’t really matter to Viki. It’s part of their job to carefully check and verify any claims as mentioned previously. I don’t deny at all that some reports might not be justified for one reason or another, but that’s just natural. For example, you receive reports where someone wants to report an insult which isn’t considered punishable. Or someone reports a scam but wasn’t able to provide any good evidence. It happens. Sometimes, you can openly say “xy is not against the rules”, sometimes you can’t comment on it for data privacy reasons. That’s fine.

However, if the support is done properly (and in time) it doesn’t matter as they’re supposed to enforce the rules accordingly. :woman_shrugging: But - this should absolutely be part of their tasks.


That’s why I think the guidelines regarding reports should be as detailed as possible to avoid either CMs or Viki receiving useless/baseless claims/reports and allow to report evident situations that need to be addressed. ^^

Have a Very good afternoon/evening! :cherry_blossom:


I think I may comment on this with you folks.

About the new way of report:
I think it’s pretty fair. As it was mentioned here before, if we want to report an abusive act from someone who is not on our team/out of our reach we should just contact a member of this specific team where you saw the abusive act. (I say this because, nowadays, it’s almost impossible to be in VIKI and doesn’t have friends/connections who you can contact about, so just report it to a friend of this community or the person in charge of that language, not directly to the CM; although this is his/hers job. But firstly this should be resolved internally; a Moderator and Subber thing, before going to the higher-ups as this is a quality and a duty requested by VIKI and CMs to be in charge of a team, right?)
I think VIKI’s point is not to contact directly CMs and, perhaps, influence on his/hers decisions; or to make it worse in many aspects. (The flow of the project; recruitment; the fame of a drama; even not to impact directly on people involved - harassment, persecution, bullying, insults, etc…)
Of course you can, and you may, contact CMs for something else. But do not corrupt them. (That’s what I think). When I said “influence”, I mean contributors with years of many contributions, or sometimes don’t, who just want to complain out of the blue and keep that volunteer from succeed on his/hers journey (I refer to the good seeds, obviously).

@_lyla2 pointed out one action that, at least in pt community, is a very often situation and people involved always does it with every new volunteer. - it was discussed here before, some time ago… - and, considering this is one of the largest communities here at VIKI nowdays, it’s worrying! - It happened to me, to a friend before me, to another friend before mine, to another one who came before, so on… over and over and over again… repeating the same vicious cycle. And… guess what? It’s one of the reasons why we, with real problems on our journeys at VIKI, cannot get a fair, instantly and a decisive response from VIKI in Helps or in anywhere else… And, being frankly, we, volunteers, do not have the credibility with VIKI anymore because of such stupid cases.

  • It’s even worse saying out of loud :clown_face::skull_and_crossbones:!

@xylune also pointed out something important: With this new method, it’s way too slow reporting someone, and this is VIKI’s job… but, what else can we do? Again, we don’t have any credibility at all. (I used my community as an example here, but I don’t know about the other ones :woman_shrugging:, so do you; I guess… Maybe it’s worse, maybe it’s not, maybe things are about to get dark, maybe they live a happy life, I sincerely don’t know. LOL. - And not forgetting about trading volunteer work for paid work. By the way, take care to not be the next guest. LOL. Anyway… you for sure got me.)

We can’t do anything about it and even complain about it is tiresome. I don’t expect you folks to get my interpretation nor agreeing with me, but once again… “what else can we do? :woman_shrugging:

Maria, we had butterfly already once, I voted for Dolphin cos it’s water related… like swimming or fun with water in summer :wink:

I know but if all the animals that can look better than the precious the butterfly has potential. That said I want a badger or perhaps a flower, it would be so nice if we could get a :lotus: or similar (it was @trangstar888 that wrote here on discussions that a lotus would be nice and I agree).