[Viki Community Team] Spring-a-thon 2024 is coming! 🌸

I also find it a little confusing :thinking: What about smaller communities? What if there’s less than 250K within a community, because e.g. there are few contributors? I think their situation may be similar to segmenters and the Portuguese community. Will there be no bagde then for individual contributors of such a community? :pleading_face: Or does “community” here mean all of us (all language communities + segmenters) collectively, and then we will all work as one for the badges?


I think they mean all communities together, because in my opinion, it’s pretty impossibile for a single community to reach 2M contributions within that period, so it must be all languages put together.
Then of course, there will be individual badges, as they stated.


@alanjeff that was also my thought. no community alone would be able to do so


What I’m wondering is, how many contribution one individual must have so he can obtain these individual badges.

Could it be something like this?:
Level 1: 250k total contributions within all communities AND, i.e. 1,000/5,000/10,000 indivual contributions for this level to obtain a badge (and for all levels will be the same).


That would be the only thing that would make sense. Not even the Spanish community, which is one of the largest (can’t say the Portuguese anymore, since they don’t have many shows to sub) can make that many contributions alone, in my opinion.


By “community” I think they refer to everyone who volunteers - so the entire Viki volunteer community.

From what I understand, the entire community will have benchmarks (levels).

Level 1: 0 - 250.000 contributions

Level 2: 250.001 - 1M contributions


These benchmarks are in a way replacing weeks (1, 2, 3 and 4) from our previous seg-subathon.

Initially, while the entire community is contributing and building up to Level 1, each contributor is simultaneously also fighting for their own badge in Level 1. They will have time to contribute for individual Level 1 badge only until the entire community reaches 250.000 contributions.

When the community reaches Level 1 and starts contributing towards Level 2, each contributor will now start to contribute for the second individual, Level 2 badge. I am assuming that individual contributions are not going to be carried from one level to the next, but reset.

We will always have a full overview of how much we contribute as a community. So, if you see that we are reaching the next goal rather quickly, and you haven’t reached your individual goal for the badge, you know you have to hurry up.

Who ever designed the new seg-subathon system is clever. It will put significantly more pressure on us, because we are trying to contribute to get the highest badge available, but at the same time we are shortening the time deadline for ourselves and others.

This would be even more fun if we didn’t know how many total contributions the community had :upside_down_face: :grin:

Now, what’s interesting is that for the previous seg-subathon we had 4 weeks to reach 2.7 M contributions, while they expect us to do 2 M this time in just 2.5 weeks. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Have you done your calculations correctly, @vikicommunity? :smirk:

Edit: Regarding the calculations for global community contributions, I forgot we had the winter seg-subathon which lasted for 14 days. With 2.7 M conrinutions in total and assuming steady speed of contributions, it means that we will reach:

  • Level 1 (250.000 contributions) in 1.3 days

  • Level 2 (1 M) in 5.2 days

  • Level 3 (1.5 M) in 7.8 days

  • Level 4 (2 M) in 10.3 days

And by the end of the marathon (16 days total), we might actually reach 3 M contributions! That would be something :smiley:


@bozoli How you understood all this from the announcement is a mystery to me, but well done! :blush::muscle: Indeed, a very smart way to make us all work harder :face_with_hand_over_mouth: It makes sense that it refers to all of us as the community, as @alanjeff and @teufelchen_netty_266 mentioned too, so hopefully all OL communities and segmenters will have the chance to contribute and get cute badges. The fact that these badges motivate us is also a mystery to me :joy::yellow_heart: But well, they somehow do :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


It’s like when the teacher used a green pen instead of a red whilst grading when I started school. It’s silly but somehow we think it’s the greatest thing even if we can’t use the “badge” for anything irl.


I wonder how this will be handled since segmenters have a hard time to get contribution points for all the hard work they put in to make the viewing experience pleasant.


If that’s how it works, I think it will be really hard, if not impossible, for Portuguese subbers and segmenters to keep up with the rest of the community. :cry:


While not optimal, editing will still be possible for Portuguese. And considering how the Vikibot who created those subtitles seems much worse than ChatGPT or GT in translation, POR editors will unfortunately have plenty to fix. Although, POR subbers will definitely be left hanging. Again.

There should be a list of available projects which will not be autotranslated before the marathon starts. About a week before so that subbers can get organized. @brendas , maybe you could help?

For segmenters, they said they will be eligible for the special Top100 badges. Indicating that first 50 segmenters will get this badge (as well as the first 50 subbers).

But segmenters stand no chance of getting a, for example, 500-segments badge in a span of max. 2 days, which is the estimated time until the Community reaches level 1. Unless they are actually segmenting de novo.


Regarding the calculations for global community contributions, I forgot we had the winter seg-subathon which lasted for 14 days. With 2.7 M contributions in total and assuming steady speed of contributing, it means that we will reach:

  • Level 1 (250.000 contributions) in just 1.3 days (2 days max)

  • Level 2 (1 M) in 5.2 days

  • Level 3 (1.5 M) in 7.8 days

  • Level 4 (2 M) in 10.3 days

And by the end of the marathon (16 days total), we might actually reach 3 M contributions! That would be something :smiley:


In order to have a lots of participating volunteers one need also projects… I’m waiting now over 2 weeks for a Mod approval of a Movie… because old Mod and CM aren’t active any longer… it’s really mind-numbing, ottoke?


Contact viki and ask them about it? If it’s old thats what I would do. :slight_smile:


You are waiting for Viki, because you already filed a ticket, correct?

It would actually be easier if you wanted to become the CM. Not that it’s that hard to add you as a Mod. Takes a minute at most.


Yes, they did

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Correct! :wink:

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At @simi11 I would contact them again… That said I have had my tickets declared “finnsihed” without them being that…

I wrote it again in the Community Forum as a reminder. My post says “Pending approval” why, perhaps Subathon triggered it, or Request… I have to go so this all is bizarr to me…


Let’s be honest I sometimes give up when I send a request to the team behind Viki, as it’s easier then not getting things resolved.

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