[Viki Community] We Want Your Feedback

No it isn’t a good idea in my opinion. Viki is a truly international platform, and among its viewers there are many, many Asian people. They may be Asians who live in other countries so they don’t have access to TV, or they missed their episodes on TV because they clash with their other schedules or whatever. There are also many enthusiastic Korean/Chinese learners). All these people know the language and don’t need subtitles.
Why should they be “punished” and have to wait for the rest of us until the subtitles are ready?


That brings us back to the fact that all this will only be done for the so-called “whiners”. Can’t we just find a way to shut them up? Like having someone approve comments before they are published on the channel pages? Or getting rid of the comment section altogether?
Or making commenting only possible after the whole show is released?


So, Ich wollte übersetzt haben:
‘Ich weiß, der Vergleich hinkt etwas’ … :grinning:
Die Übersetzung, der Maschine… :grin:

I know the comparison is a bit slow… :flushed:

Aber das ist doch nicht richtig, bzw. anders übersetzt? Oder gibt es in der englischen Sprache gar keinen ‘hinkenden Vergleich’?

Worauf ich eigentlich hinaus will… Wegen so einem Cram, und wenig Text, dauert es bei mir meist ne Stunde bis Eineinhalb Stunden… Oder ich lösche alles wieder und schreibe gar nichts :unamused: wegen Frustration :grin:

Eine Maschine ist und bleibt oberflächlich, sie kann nicht zwischen Sinn und Unsinn unterscheiden, selbst wenn mister/in Perfect, sie bedienen würde, wissen wir alle, perfect gibt es nunmal nicht…
Ich vertraue hier bei Viki darauf, daß alles was ich in den Dramen sehe von euch freiwilligen und ihr macht es einfach klasse
auch übersetzt wird, wann auch immer, denn das ist Echt… :heart:

Eigentlich wollte ich etwas ganz anderes schreiben, aber weil mich das so gefrustet hat :persevere:
Ist das bei rumgekommen, und dann auch noch in deutsch, weil die Übersetzung, bei so viel :woman_facepalming: mich über 2 Stunden gekostet hätte… :grin: Aber ich muß noch zu meinem Pferdchen :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

LG :hugs:


I don’t think you can say "The comparison is limping a little " in English. You can say, just like in German “comparing apples to oranges” (in Dutch it would be “apples to pears”).

Exactly. After all, the machine doesn’t have a conscience. It learns what it’s fed and even that it doesn’t understand on a true level.

I’m glad to see you have faith in the volunteers and patience to wait for whenever they’re ready. After all it’s people like you we’re doing this for. People who enjoy a nice drama, yet understand that we can’t do the impossible. People who prefer the subtitles to be REAL, rather than quick.

That’s just another example of how frustrating artificial translation is.

Give her a hug from me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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There could be translator programs suggestion.

GER: Der Vergleich hinkt.
ENG: The comparison lags.
and back to
GER: Der Vergleich hinkt hinterher. (The comparison lags behind.)

When actually it should be - The comparison is misleading.

It’s an art to put the right words in use.

Gaby, when you need help with the translation write to me.

Den hinkenden Vergleich, in English “the limping comparison” gibt es so wirklich nicht. Das sind sprachgebräuchliche Muster, die nur bei manchen Sprachen ähnlich sind. Ich wüsste z. Bsp. auch nicht, dass es die eierlegende Wollmilchsau noch irgendwo anders gäbe.


Mirjam in German it is the same “Äpfel und Birnen vergleichen.” This saying is too old, as that people knew about oranges at least the normal folk.


Well, that proves Google Translate sucks. I tried it with the Dutch “appels en peren” and then the pears got changed to oranges in German! :thinking::rofl:


In English they do have oranges, though:


Maybe the translator works like this NED to ENG to GER at least we would know where the oranges originated from


I suspect it does and that makes it even more horrible than it already was. Then there’s the problems of translation with a bridge language, on top of artificial translation. GT sucks even more than I already thought.

I guess it’s no coincidence that the German version is an exact translation of the English version:


Should be: Jeder Vogel singt, wie ihm der Schnabel gewachsen ist.


All the comments => only going to VIKI staff so no other than them would see them :smiley:

That would be so nice (for us). Also the low ratings just because a show is not released yet or not fully subbed in a language…


Since German language has the ability to combine whatever words you’d like to (which many European languages cant in this way but Chinese can) we probably have some unique words and sayings.

German and Chinese have the same sayings (sometimes mirrored), it is quite fascinating.

Example from a native speaker:

Chinese: Luck comes always alone. (Das Glück kommt immer einzeln.)

German: Bad luck rarely comes alone. (Ein Unglück kommt selten allein.)

About the apples and oranges… apples and oranges would make more sense because they look more similar… for me it was always strange to compare Äpfel mit Birnen because they look completely different, you cannot confound them.

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But that’s the point, you don’t look for similarity, with this saying you point out that things not comparable shouldn’t be compared.


That would also have another advantage: the whiners wouldn’t see each other’s comments, so they wouldn’t be able to “inspire” each other. :wink:

We say that as well.

So do we. :slight_smile:

I think that’s exactly the point of the saying. :wink:


Was sind dann ungelegte Eier in jeder Sprache :thinking:

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Ongelegde eieren. :slight_smile:

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I think you would enjoy the conversation about “Blind idiot translations”. It is pertinent since it involves both machine translation and translations by idiotic subbers who think like machines, putting their grey matter in a closet with naphthaline. Contributors to the discussion (including @lutra) made some hilarious examples.

Excerpt from tvtropes.org, a really funny and interesting website that I recommend:

A “Blind Idiot” Translation is a translation from one language to another where the translation is overly literal, grammatically incorrect, very awkward, or clearly misses what the word or phrase was supposed to mean. If a translation is complete gibberish, it is a Translation Train Wreck. Sometimes overlaps with Gratuitous Foreign Language.
Actually “blind idiot” translation is another thing.
The name is not intended to be an insult against the translator (although it works just as well that way), hence the quotation marks: “blind idiot” is a Recursive Translation of the old saying “out of sight, out of mind”. A computer in a lab was running a beta of some translation software package and translated “out of sight, out of mind”—meaning “if you hide something, sometimes people forget that it existed in the first place”—into Chinese and back to English, and the printout read “invisible idiot”, which mutated further into “blind idiot”.
So it usually means a back and forth translation English-other language-English by an unskilled person.


I hugged her nicely from you :heart:

Sehr gern Lutra :smile::blush: Danke :heart_eyes: aber nicht, das ich dir dann auf den Wecker fall :laughing:

Kennt ihr noch alle die “stille Post”? Wenn nicht, kurze Erklärung :grin:
Das ist ein Spiel aus meiner Jugend.
3 bis sagen wir mal 6 Mitspieler ( nach oben hin offen) der erste flüstert dem 2ten einen Satz ins Ohr, dieser flüstert es dem nächsten ins Ohr usw… Der letzte muss laut sagen, was der erste flüsterte, wir haben uns immer halb Tod gelacht, weil es nie richtig war, spätestens beim dritten kam es schon verkehrt an…

Übersetzer Maschinen ähneln doch der stillen Post, weil es viel zu aufwendig ist, und einzelne Worte ( die vielleicht unbewusst sehr wichtig sind) ihre Bedeutung verlieren können und das in sämtlichen Sprachen :pensive: das allein wäre schon sehr traurig…

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Der Vergleich ist echt gut :smiley:



Then oranges fit less as example than pears somehow. When/why was the reason that the saying was changed from oranges to pears?

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I don’t think it has changed. It just developed in different ways in several regions. I just learned in Serbian it’s “comparing grandmothers and toads”.


Why doesn’t Viki get their subs from Subscene like few free sites that are always far ahead of Viki Rakuten in episodes and eng subbing? Or, since you ‘charge’ for memberships and have a cash flow through numerous ads, “hire” competent translators proficient and educated in two or more languages. That way the eng sub won’t become a hot mess of urban slang in historical dramas. These issues are known facts about Viki. Also, the reason I dropped 3 memberships over the years here. It just doesn’t get better while other sites, including YouTube, has advanced far ahead.