Volunteer Names as Credits?

Call me slow but I just realized volunteers aren’t listed in the credits anymore? :o

Yeah, I don’t think there have been credits for a while now. It’d be a nice feature to bring back though.

Only the ones that contributes the most on the channel. I think it’s about 20 subbers that has their name showed. And it’s changing, if someone makes more sub.
This can be nice if in addition to this 20 more productive people, there was a link to all the members. Since viki is always working on improvments, maybe it will come :slight_smile:

You mean on the volunteers tab right? And it’s only 18 listed >: Considering that includes all languages’ translators, there are so many contributors who don’t get listed. That’s got to be the one thing I’ve always disliked about the volunteers tab.

But no, they used to have actual credits that scrolled at the end of the episodes that listed people who worked on that episode. Right? Don’t remember if it was only translators or segmenters too or what.

I remember in the old viki, there were all the contributors listed. Even if they did only one line on all the drama. I don’t remember if it was listed by episode, but I remember the other way. We had the choice to look for the “main team” of mods and managers, and the seggers or subbers. It was nice, everyone could saw their name even if they couldn’t do a lot :slight_smile:

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Wow I didnt know that there used to have the name of all the volunteers listed on the old viki…the old viki sounds awesome

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There was some features that we miss a lot, but the new one have getting better now, so we kinda get used to it :slight_smile:
The staff if working hard, I don’t think there is a lot of people in their office, so they probably work very hard to get it all :slight_smile:

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I was just thinking about that too! I wish the volunteer tab on the page would show all the volunteers and not just the top subbers/segmenters. I also miss the way the old videos would show the contributors names at the end of the video and on the video page.