Interesting, as a non segmenter I understood only the Academy principles are required for on air shows or new projects. (I understand segmenting needs lot of fine tuning therefore knowledge).
The Seg 101 wasn’t visible as the Ninja Academy, is this perhaps within the Ninja Academy or is this another type of Segmenting Academy launched by another group. If there are 2 concepts the latter should be more visible to Vikians.
Do I understand you correctly that in a case of an old project a totally new Vikian can actually segment a drama or a movie without any segmenting experience or guidance.
I’m not a segmenter either. I did know there were two segmenting academies, but indeed the Ninja Academy seems to be a bit more famous.
Maybe they learned it somewhere else? I can’t imagine someone with zero knowledge/experience doing it …
But another question rises: Doesn’t “old project” by definition mean “already segmented”? Otherwise not even the English team could have subtitled it …
First off, my apologies for side-tracking this thread.
There weren’t any academies in the beginning. You could segment if the project were open and unpopular or abandoned. By default today all new projects/channels are closed. There are still some old projects open, but I doubt many are standing unsegmented.
The academies (both of them) were established to maintain high quality of segments we see today. (Those of us who translate old dramas will know exactly what that means.)
The rule of choosing only academy graduates for segmenters is posed by the CM of a certain project. Viki is advising the segmenters to be graduates, but as far as I know they are not forbidding non-graduates.
A person can come to Viki already experienced in segmenting. And the segment editor is intuitive and easy. So, theoretically there is no technical limitation why a new Vikian can’t segment immediately, without being a graduate.
However, Viki community has its own standards in cutting, different from other sites, stemming from (among other things) the fact that Viki’s subbers don’t skip anything in translation and that translation occurs in multiple languages, resulting in multiple lengths of the one and the same sub on screen. Hence, the segmenting is done much more carefully and is more considerate to both subbers and viewers. This needs to be learned and it’s easiest for everybody is if you follow a program from one of the academies.
There are some old projects which either don’t have English subs or they are hardsubs.
I’m Mary and I’m interested in subtitling English to Greek. I have plenty of experience and I take my work very seriously. I can work as an editor, too. If anyone needs help, PM me. Addictedtobooks
I’d like to help to help out with subs. That said, I’m not sure that VIKI would have a place for me. I’ll explain.
I’m an English-only speaker and as I watch videos, every now and then there are minor errors in the subs such as order of words or not using the best word suggested by the surrounding text. This is where I can help. I’m a teacher and I enjoy proofreading. I also enjoy English grammar. So if you ever find a place for me in any team, please let me know. I’m currently watching “Capture Love” and I’m happy to proofread all the subs if you want.
I sincerely appreciate all the work that those who translate do. It truly is amazing at how talented the VIKI teams are. I am in awe of what they do. My ability to contribute is very small by comparison.