Want to subtitle? Let people know!


That is my account. Thank you. <3

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Hi! I’m starting and I’m looking for an opportunity to translate from English to Urdu.

Hi! I’m just starting I would like to translate from English to Urdu!!!

Hi, I would like to help subtitling from English to Spanish, how can I start?

Hi I’d like to subtitle from english to italian. How can i start?

Continuing the discussion from Want to subtitle? Let people know!:


Hello! I’d like to help translating from English to Romanian during the summer vacation. How can I start?

Hello! I’m Cadence, I’m new here and I would like to translate from English to Simplified Chinese!

I am a Romanian Moderator for Ask Us Anything and After School Club. If you are interested please contact me.


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You forgot to add the link to your profile so they can contact you. Many of the newbies don’t know how that process goes; so letting them know to go to your link, and [clicking on] the envelope they can PM you (write to you).
We should add, that PM means Private Message/ writing between you and them privately where no other ppl will see what you wrote.

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You can contact me here.

Thanks @angelight313_168 :heart:

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I’m new here and I would like to subtitle from English to Italian.

If there is any help needed please feel free to contact me, I would be happy to help!


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I’m new to viki and I would like to try subbing!

I can sub from mandarin to english (probably a way too common offer), but hey, I’m here if anyone every needs it. :grinning:


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It’s common but Chinese dramas - as you probably know - are loooooong and there are lots and lots of them that need good subbers and translation editors. Go to the main page of dramas that are not fully subbed yet and write to the English moderator or Chief Editor. Make sure to ask if they also have any other projects where they could use you, and include the info on whether you have vikipass or not.


Thank you for your help! Sorry to bother, but how can I tell if a show is not fully subbed yet? Thank you again!

@zombierabbit try here:
and here:

since project finder won’t show from Chinese to English projects you’d have to check the episodes of a drama if all are fully subbed…
FYI the project finder is here: https://subber.viki.com/project_finder?render_new_template=1&submit_flag=1&type=subtitle&subtitler_from_language_code=en&subtitler_to_language_code=zh

Look at the episode thumbnails on the right. If you click on “Show All” it will take you to a page with the thumbnails for all the episodes, each one with its percentage.


Another way is to look at the cover page. If it says that all episodes are “Released for all other languages” it means that it’s not only translated but edited as well. So you needn’t bother.
But if only a few episodes are released, this doesn’t mean they are not translated.
For instance, this one only has 9 episodes ready out of 24 released for other languages, but if you go to the thumbnail page you will see that all 24 are fully subbed. This means they don’t need translators, they need editors!


Hola me encantaria participar de ingles al españoñ

Olá, poderia me recomendar projetos que eu poderia traduzir de coreano para inglês/português , chinês para inglês ou inglês para portugues. Gostaria muito de fazer parte de alguma equipe.

Hi! i can subtitle from english to spanish! if you need my help, i´ll be happy to help!
