Want to subtitle? Let people know!

Hi!! I want start subtitling on Viki, I can sub from English to Spanish :smile:

Hello everyone! I have virtually just joined Viki and I am adoring the community feel here so far. I speak both English and Indonesian at a native level and Spanish and Russian at an advanced level. I would like to take on subtitling projects. The language combinations I am most comfortable with are the ones listed “Priority #1” and “Priority #2” (in that order) on my profile. Does anyone have anything interesting for me?

si tu es intéressée tu peux aider pour ces projets
One And A Half Summer
Ti Amo Chocolate

Envoie-moi un MP

si tu es intéressée tu peux aider pour de anglais-français ces projets
One And A Half Summer
Ti Amo Chocolate

Envoie-moi un MP

Hi everyone !

I want to help, so I can sub from english to french. Don’t hesitate to contact me :wink:

Thank you :heart:

Hallo guys! I can sub from Chinese to English or vice versa. I can help with anything that’s needed ^^

We need your support!!! Are you interested in joing us? Sonic Youth.

if you are interested, please send me a PM

Have a nice day!


I need french subbers for
One And A Half Summer
Ti Amo Chocolate

If you’re interested in one of those projects PM me ! :slight_smile:

Hello guys I can sub English to Indonesia ^^

Heya esteh,

Coba hubungi Gesti (http://www.viki.com/users/gesti_lagi). Dia sering jadi Indo mod. :slight_smile:

Hello, I’m May and i would like to sub any korean drama from english to arabic and i also would like to segment in the upcoming korean dramas too , oh and i dont mine to be a mod lol , please private message me ASAP :smile: :smile:

Hi everyone!! For anyone interested in subbing or segmenting, I’m looking for two teams to continue working with the fan channels “The Tribe” and the mexican drama “The Triumph of Love”. I’m also starting a new Venezuelan drama “Juana’s Miracle”.

If you want to be part of the team, please PM me.

Hello! I am a translator from English to Serbian and Macedonian and vice versa. I am new to segmenting and making subtitles but I can learn and improve.

Hi there. I’m new but if anyone needs help I can sub from English to Swedish and Swedish to English. It may not be a big demand for Swedish subtitles (as I know of), but I’ve also found that Swedish translators aren’t that common either (as I know of, I may just be completely wrong here)

If you want you can help out with subtitling “Doctor Stranger”, if you’re interested you can PM me ^^

Hi there. If you need someone to translate from english to Danish, donÂŽt hesitate to ask.

I want to help subbing from english to spanish. Please let me know any project. Thanks.

Hello guys, if there is any project needing english/portuguese subs, just let me know and i’ll help you with :smiley:

Looking for segmenter, moderator and subber of chi-eng. Links: http://www.viki.com/tv/25550c-legend-of-lu-zhen

Daca vrei, iti propun serialul “Bodyguard” http://www.viki.com/tv/6018c-bodyguard ;
sau la “My Queen” http://www.viki.com/tv/79c-my-queen
Eu sunt moderator pentru limba romana la ele si caut sa recrutez translatori. Daca vrei sa intri in echipa Bodyguard, sau in echipa my Queen, anunta-ma, sa punem la punct detaliile.