What a sick joke!

I was messaged by Viki today to congratulate me with becoming CM! My first channel, so exciting!

But when I looked at the channel, someone else was added instead! I didn’t even get an explanation! Apparently, I am nothing but a disposable to Viki!


They changed their minds and didn’t even tell you? Where are their manners? I’m truly sorry you have to go through this, @wolkje


Thanks. I asked the staff and they told me they’d hit the wrong button… :zipper_mouth_face:


Seriously? :open_mouth: They make a mistake and this is how they handle it? I can’t even begin to imagine how you must feel. :people_hugging:


And? So what if they pressed the wrong button? Is it irreversible? No, it’s not. They remove and add new CMs to old projects all the time.

Ask them to fix it.

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Maybe sending wolkje the message of congratulations was the wrong button, not choosing the other person.

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Exactly. They messaged me that I had become the CM so when I saw at the show page that someone else was added instead, I had no idea what to think of it. Viki didn’t tell me anything! It wasn’t until I messaged a staff member myself that I got a brief reply, saying they’d hit a wrong button and “incorrectly” added me as CM!


I am speechless. Even if it was “incorrectly,” you were obviously in the list of options and I assume the other CM didn’t know yet. They could have just let you be the CM and given the other CM another show if she needed one. Or have sent you a sincere apology right away and offered you another show. At the very least, they could have sent you a sincere apology.
I already thought the CM-choosing process was off these days since I’ve been seeing the same people getting added as CM over and over again, but this is a whole new level of unfairness.


What the… I think this is kind of a new low. They could at least have informed you and the other CM if you 2 wanted to co-CM or offer you an other project to make up for the mistake.


Incorrectly… what an insult! As if it even makes a difference for Viki who is the CM, as long as that person does a proper job.

I’m guessing that adding the CM triggers the automated messages that congratulate the new CM and let the other applicants know they didn’t make it. So staff probably first added wolkje and then thought, “Oops!” and removed her. However, the messages had already been sent and the staff should have been aware of that. At the very least, they could have sent her a message before adding the other CM, explaining the mistake and apologizing. Or better, they could have stuck to their “mistake” and give the other CM another show. Then no one would have known and no one’s feelings would have been hurt.

I couldn’t agree more… :frowning:
Viki is losing its humanity. Volunteers are just tools to them.


That. They don’t even seem to realize they did anything wrong (other than accidentally hitting the wrong button). Well, I guess I now know what I’m worth in Viki’s eyes… :neutral_face:


Viki’s eyes are clouded. Just make sure that you know what you are worth!:people_hugging:

