Bad or good, that’s the way it has been happening - at least since I’ve been here. After all why not? And of course posting in comments or discussions is not enough, because the chosen CM may not have seen it.
Waiting for the 5th and then applying quickly? Some CMs give Other Language Moderator posts to the first who asks (because they don’t really know who is really good or not), and this would put people on different time zones at a disadvantage. I have a 7-hour difference from the US, so if the CM is in the US, and other wannabe moderators are there too, everything will be over while I’m sleeping. What should we do, put the alarm clock in the middle of the night and check? Crazy!
(shrug) Do as you like, post in 10 places, but I can tell you right now what I’ll be doing.
If vended a channel, yes, I will hire a Team capable of doing the work. I have yet to apply for a modern drama, mine all are historical and tend to be Chinese. Obviously I’ll hire folks who have demonstrated abilities on the historical dramas and folks who stay with their projects and complete them.
So it doesn’t matter who posts where, or how many times. PM me, if you want to work with me, on a drama you want to make happen in a complete and timely fashion for the world, and we’ll talk. For anyone who is new, we do tend to audition on both seg and sub.
If you are the person who does the job and does it well, completes your projects, then you have no worries around here anyway and you will have PLENTY TO DO. no matter how this CM system works or doesn’t.
It really is that simple.
back to work
@irmar I’m curious how many volunteers are there (active) in Viki. I guess it’s about a dozen in Greek? What about the other languages and segmenters? Not that it’ll mean anything, but I’d be interested in the statistics. The time difference is such a pain, for so many reasons.
@mas4 That’s what I always did, went to a page, found GR moderator/ all languages moderator/ CM and sent a message. But I guess this won’t work now. When I posted this I had no idea (and honestly hadn’t put that much thought in it) that it’s such a complicated matter for some people!
I made a list of Dutch subbers, because I think it will be handy to use it. Everytime I discover a (new) subber I add him/her to the list. That is, when he/she has written at least 500 subs. In this way I found about 150 subbers. There are definetely more Dutch subbers than I thought there would be, but I don’t know if it’s much compared with other languages. Also, I don’t know how many of them are active now.
I don’t know what happens in Chinese historical dramas, as I have no experience there. I was only talking of what I know from my experience in Korean dramas, looking for Italian moderating posts.
Obviously we’re talking of moderators who all have demonstrated to be active and have completed their projects in a timely manner etc. The competition is among people who are equally capable in those respects.
What the CM cannot know for all languages, is the capability regarding translation. Some CMs know a little or more or the source language (be it Korean or Chinese) but no CM can know all languages present on viki. So their “prerequisites” are by necessity very shallow, only the exterior and not the substance. These exterior prerequisites can be met by more than one person. If that is the case, whom do you choose?
In my experience, in such a situation, they will choose:
- Those they already have worked with
- Those that write first.
We don’t know how many people are really active and committed to their projects all I know is that once I kicked out about half of the other language mods because they didn’t do their job and I don’t want moderators for show. On almost all my projects I had to kick out at least one other language mod because they didn’t do their job and sometimes I had to kick out subbers because they where abusers. So before I give anyone a mod position I do check their activities unless I know for sure they will do a good job.
And yes I do give newbies a chance from time to time too… some turned out to be amazing and some decided to run for it because it was to much work for them to handle.
@emmelie96 Viki has gotten a lot more Dutch subbers the past few years I see . When I started to sub in Dutch here the Dutch subbers where quite rare.
What? A dozen? Nooo… Much much more than that. In my reference document where I keep my notes to refresh my memory when needed, I see that the ones I have personally worked with are 30 (of which 3 are crossed out because we have fallen out) another 5-6 who only do moderating work so I’ve never had dealings with them and another 15-20 whose profiles I checked and with whom I don’t want to work because they suck.
So just the ones I know of are more than 50. I’m sure there are many more than that!
Of course mahoula will be able to answer your question more precisely: she knows everybody by first name.
@Mahoula is our Keeper of Archives, for sure.
I meant really active as of 2017 let’s say, I’m not sure even if I count as one sometimes… But I’m happy there’s so many of us and that I had underestimated our power.
It’s hard to kick out members of any team, especially if they don’t know how to go gracefully.
When I notice someone isn’t active for a while I just PM them to ask how things are going. Sometimes I get a reply and I let them stay if they have a good reason in my opinion. The ones who don’t reply will eventually be kicked as they are not active or just ignore the project.