What are you currently watching?

It’s been a while, everyone! I’m glad to see some regulars here :slight_smile:

I took a break from watching Kdramas for a while. I had a lot of real life stuff that was overwhelming, so I couldn’t handle any fictional drama.

I will say that I’m slowly getting back into watching dramas again, but mostly, I’m rewatching dramas. I have watched the Hong Kong drama Over Run Over twice this year, and I’m planning on rewatching it before the year is out. I like the humor, mystery, and character development.

I’ll watch I’m Sorry, I Love You for the hundredth time (exaggeration, but really, I’ve watched it at least twice a year since I first saw it) before the year is out. This year, I rewatched all the remakes of that show except for the Turkish one. I’m currently working my way through it, but I’m watching it in Spanish dub :sweat_smile:.

Some dramas that I watched this year and liked were Damo, the Legendary Policewoman, Manhole: Feel So Good, Single Dad in Love, Missing: The Other Side (seasons one and two), Angry Mom, and the Hong Kong drama Over Run Over.

I hope everyone is well! Best wishes for upcoming holidays to everyone!


I didn’t see BL. oh wow! I don’t like them either. yeah Blooming Days, does remind me of Sword &brocade. no wonder it seemed familiar, thanks for the “update”


It seems there is currently not much offered. And why is Wonderland of Love today not featured/released? - Is it because of Thanksgiving?

This week looks bleak… at least some new movie would be great. :thinking:
I’m talking about the Standard TV Guide…

Have to watch something else elsewhere… :cold_sweat:


I agree, and have done that this past week and now. gone to other places. Tub is one, Rok, another, drama C and &N oh not to forget Prim. YT has a bunch too


Watch this one again after almost 2 years, forgot so much about that drama, it is a fully packed story with many tragic moments, but true love prevails, or so they say …
It is slow paced, and sometimes it just forgoes any dialogues, but communication can also be done with gestures, mimic, eyes, and this is something the drama does really well. I have to say, I liked it better the second time.
If you do not like melo and slow paced dramas, better avoid it.


I watched My Journey to You because I like the two leads. It was a pretty good drama but the ending was a little hinky, in my opinion. The ending kind of left things up in the air like maybe there may be a second season?


Currently watching Remembering Lichuan because it features Godfrey Gao as the ML. (Sadly, Godfrey died in November of 2019 of a possible heart attack at the age of 35).
Not the most outstanding C-drama I’ve ever seen with the usual tropes but if hasn’t been a fast forward situation at any point, so there is that. There are 38 or 39 episodes. I am on episode 34.
I first saw Godfrey in We are all Alone , a C-drama he finished shortly before his untimely death. He was even cuter in that one. (The guy was 6’ 4" tall)!

Oh, and I still need to finish up watching My Dearest (need to watch last two episodes). I would rank MD as right up there with Goblin in terms of quality of acting, directing, writing, etc. so that’s high praise from this kid. :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:


I hope they bring back the same cast.


THE KIDNAPPING DAY- SEASON 1 A 10 the most amazing drama you can ever watch.

DEMON - 2 Episodes regret i started early since the waiting is a torment now. Great story.


Re: Demon; Song Kang is WAY too skinny in this. I almost didn’t recognize him. He looks better (IMO) with a little more meat on his bones. Drama looks promising though. I only watch 1/2 of episode one. I also hate waiting for episodes to be released.

Correction: Actually, the drama title is My Demon. Sorry for any confusion.


Song Kang is WAY too skinny in this

I’m having a hard time recognizing him too; the younger actors now because is obvious they are also doing plastic surgery, and their looks change to the point they no longer look like they used to in other dramas I saw in the past. They never needed the surgery in the first place anyway so some alter their looks and not exactly for the better (I’m not saying this about Song Kang but another young actor that in my opinion messed up his great looks).

Like you mentioned here about getting too skinny some male actors (have you seen how skinny Lee Joon-Gi and Ji Chang-Wook now? breaks my heart!!!) now even actresses alike are getting so skinny now that most of them look anorexic, and is hard to see them like that; so fragile. The older actors/actress are doing so much Botox they can no longer have their natural smile that they had in the past so their lips curl up like a clown. Sadly, some have tapes all over their eyes, forehead, and it shows!!! I hate my Large screen TV. I wish they stop with the surgery and age gracefully. We love them just the same, and they are making these surgeons millionaires while I bet they are going in costly debts.
I like meat on my man (not excess fat but juicy meat) on those bones, and that’s why Asian men don’t turn me on because they look like they could break… so easily. lol
I don’t know how their parents don’t stop their kids from getting skinny to that extreme (I guess is a phase going on in SK now and in China too). Have you seen Suzy Bae in her recent drama? My goodness her legs look like toothpicks. I watch more Chinese dramas now, and some of these young actors have no waist and they look skeletal/anorexic when they remove their shirts (not sexy at all).

PS. *DEMON is a different kind of story for a change; so that makes it more exciting for me to watch, and look forward to the romance development between him and my other fave young actress; Kim You- Jung.


South Korean - Castaway Diva (waiting for the last two eps to air]
Chinese - Love is Panacea (finished watching recently)
Chinese - Till the End of the Moon [Always watching…LOL]
Chinese - Love Is Sweet [Watch every now and then]
South Korean - My Demon [just started…don’t know how far I will go with this]

  1. Christmas movies, and came across one we discussed the three men and a baby. three dads and baby, oh my baby and all, I forgot this one. three wise men andbaby, it was so cute!

.anyway those are the main ones for now.

I am trying to find Dr Who Christmas special, I did find one but theres supposed to be another…


I thought the same thing! He was more attractive before. It worries me to see him so thin. :disappointed_relieved:

Wasn’t he just perfect?


I am in a phase where I re-watch quite a bit at the moment, right now it’s

What you could like or not about the OTP, both are earnestly pursuing their careers, they are both slow in the romance department, but if they weren’t, they would be out of character.

A kind of re-watch, since I watched the original one with the same title some years ago, so I knew the story. The Thai version is a little better balanced in pace and dramaturgy.

What you could like or not about the OTP, they have a completely different background, but their love story starts like a road movie, both lost their parents early.


Re: Song Kang’s weight loss for My Demon. I found an article this morning in which Song commented that he lost 22 lbs for his role in this drama. He felt that his character was the ‘perfect’ demon so his wanted to reflect that in actuality. He went on to say that he has now gained the weight back.
See article here: Song Kang Addresses His Surprising Weight Loss For His Role In “My Demon,” Says He’s Gained The Weight Back - JazmineMedia


I am watching

CAST AWAY DIVA - 2 last episode this weekend :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

SWEET HOME- Season 2 have to take breaks they made it too bloody and sad I keep crying some parts are heartbreaking. … :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :scream: :scream: :scream: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

DON’T LET GO - on PEACOK the end will pleasantly surprise you a 10 in my book… :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

DEMON - is getting very interesting since a devil might turn into an Angel for a beautiful woman. EVE curse broken? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Link and Goblin at the same time :heart_eyes:

1 Like

Professor T, a German drama, got subs too, story line seems almost like one of a Korean drama, remember the drama that the guy had to clean stuff? well, this guy does too. just reminds me of the Kdrama, and its quite good too

Men in Black 111 oh my goodness! awesome!


The Bionic Life - Episode 3 | Rakuten Viki thuis one is different and I have enjoyed it so far, does get one to question

The Bionic Life - Episode 3 | Rakuten Viki the bionioc life The Bionic Life - Episode 3 | Rakuten Viki



heres another weird/strange one but really good, my second time around


so I got a variety this time


I have just started this one



The Forbidden Marriage