What are you currently watching?

same with the ones I mentioned. There’s none here on Viki…


I went to coming soon page and it seems some more projects and some movies have been added many of them are looking for Channel Managers…

Your page might look a bit different since you are in other region.

Checkout the new streamed I started watching… it’s cute and funny, needed something to laugh… the weather has been gloomy today… :wink:



I didn’t like the Korean version of GOOD DOCTOR. It had too many issues that were exaggerated, unfair and too fake. I also was repulsed when I half saw the American version; I felt the young male good ‘‘Dr.’’ was practically R/A/P/E/D. It was traumatizing to see even if it was for a few minutes ONLY bc it caught me off guard (traumatizing it was).


It’s 12:15 am and I just finished watching Melancholia. It’s about school cheating, bullying, corrupt administration, false accusations that ruin reputations, etc. I started watching it on a whim; the written introduction/summation that was provided by N_F really didn’t grab me but I thought I’d give it a try. Wow! I really thought this one was good! Good acting, good plot. Well, I binged it in about two days’ time, if that tells you anything. LOL! If you want a break from historical romances, murders, and other usual plots, give this ‘gem’ a try. It’s currently showing on N_F.
Note: I just checked and it is available in my area (USA) on Viki. I just didn’t discover it nor watch it on Viki. :wink:

Melancholia (2021) - MyDramaList



These were some kinda good…


I started this a while ago but dropped it. After reading your post, I decided to give it another try since it’s still on Viki. Other than some issues with occasional incorrect/literal translation, I am enjoying the show quite a bit.


Japanese movie titled: [MY HAPPY MARRIAGE] deserves more than a 10.

I LOVED everything about this drama since everyone gets their payback in the end, and LOVE triumph over evilness of women that want; what never belong to them in the first place, and much less deserve to have. It’s a perfect Japanese love story that has other elements that make the movie VERY thrilling to watch.

Taiwanese movie [MISS SHAMPOO] in my opinion is rated R for violence and bloody scenes, BUT the movie is so funny that you can overlook some stuff and enjoy the craziness of it all. Amazingly, I’m not into gangster stories, but I would love to see more crazy movies like this just to have a good laugh.

USA [GRAVITY] starts a bit dragging but it catches up to call your attention (it caught mine when I was about to stop watching).

SK [A KOREAN ODDYSSYE] 20 Episodes. I AM re-watching this crazy K drama because I like fantasy dramas that keep me on edge. Although there are things (the company name) that bothers me a lot I feel the drama had so many parts that were so exciting to watch and is fun to remember the fun we had before; again.


I watched (re-watched) on YT, the sound was terrible, but I got the subs, AND they didn’t put the right title on there, they put mystery lotus casebook, and was far from that, just the actor that played in it

I still didn’t like the ending, won’t divulge, y’all gotta watch it here on Viki, must say better quality.

I know theres a reason & purpose for the story to end like it did, but so upsetting!!! you will enjoy this drama, it was good in the storyline. .do watch it!!


im currently watching kissable lips !!! i love jiwoong and seobin chemistry in this dorama !!! my purple buttlerfly rocks !


I finished watching DEATH GAME series 1. Episodes: 8

Death’s Game is a web series written and directed by Ha Byung-hoon, and starring Seo In-guk and Park So-dam. Based on a webtoon.

Park So-dam · ‎Seo In-guk

This drama is surprisingly an eye opener to its real purpose and ‘‘meaning’’ since they make it look like it makes so much sense as you watch episode after episode until the ending episode. Although, I always feel that using the DEVIL as the ‘‘teacher’’ and ‘‘good one’’ who is the one who sets us straight; in my eyes, it’s so wrong; for IN MY OPINION the devil never wants human beings to recognize their mistakes, and make amends for their mistakes and evil deeds they’ve done, and become a better person (that’s BS). AS you can see on DEATH GAME the evil ones survive in the end, and only the good ones die.

They are doing the same thing with the drama [DEMON] and strangely enough all this dramas come from the same ‘‘place/country’’ and I know you all may be wondering why I watch them, and I’m going to tell you why; when there is no faith in GOD, HE does not exist, so he’s not acknowledge in any way, shape or form. But when idolatry, corruption, atheism is present is well exercise by large masses of people, the DEVIL becomes their GOD, and they find ways to glorify him so he gets more followers. In the case of DEMON there is a horribly, dirty looking woman, portraying as GOD. While the demon is a hunk, and his gorgeous bride is a Doll, we have GOD in a repulsive image (the dirty teeth, the filthy clothes (how rude and disrespectful and unfair image this is in the drama).

What can I resolve by watching these demon themes dramas? LEARNING to discern the traps that evilness some human beings set for us, and by doing that we fall in the web of lies portrayed many times by a gorgeous looking face (ppl), and a humble, sweet way of ‘‘talking.’’ The story managed and manipulated to make an upside down cross (like they have in DEATH GAME) and a dark horrible dirty hell place to look like a place there is nothing evil or wrong in there.

SOME PEOPLE may disagree with me, and that’s your right to do, but I believe in GOD and HIS SON who came down to earth, and by his sacrifice we have a chance of our soul salvation. That’s what me, myself and I, believe in. I don’t add my opinion to debate what I wrote and believe in, but to make aware that this times we are going through is a sign that evilness is taking over the world and we must PRAY and…be mindful of what messages we are getting webbed into our heads. The most susceptible ones are the young mind, and that we have plenty in all these streaming services.

AS always I respect EVERYONE so others won’t get offended I blurred this scripture. READ ONLY if you want to.

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.]

I DO AVOID scenes I don’t agree to the message they are going to give if I watch it bc most of the times those are terrible distorted messages that can deceive us and I want no part of that.

I am watching less and less dramas, and movies since they no longer appeal to me. It’s sad so sad… :cry:


your last sentence speaks voulmns to me! maybe thats why I am not watching them as I did!

heres another scripture [

Where in the Bible does it say touch not taste not?

“Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” which all concern things which perish with the using—according to the commandments and doctrines of men

if its not of God thats it in a nutshell, col. 2;21


I contacted Viki today, and flat out asked them why aren’t getting the wholesome dramas we used to get
even those school ones were ok, this hAs started since maybe last year. I looked back in what I had watched. really amazing to see what I did watch. so I do like vampire dramas, forensic dramas, and others in that frame. but gosh, is wholesomeness out now? we have to watch those morbid, macabre
type dramas? pick & choose?
again its the licensing and availability…

I am watching some of the older dramas at the moment

and of course theres more!

I havent seen this one in quite some time, If y’all havent seen this one its a must see, and when Wokie plays in a drama its usually good! going to start watching this today


Omg, I’m at the last episodes and I loved it so much. I wish never end :heart_eyes: :sob:



p/s a rewatch in the works, I watched it at least 3 times and still cant get enough of it, that other one too
both are good

again really some neat dramas


It’s obvious they have developed a control system in all stream sites services, and they are testing us to see if we give in to the many crappy dramas/movies out there. Right now there is a site that has 13 movies that have to do with exorcism, and those are revolting to watch.

On my part, I only watch what I want to watch, and if there’s nothing worth watching, I find other sources of entertainment like game shows or Documentaries that beside entertaining us, many of them have a lot of educational content.


or read a book!!I do get so weary trying to find something worthwhile to watch here or anywhere else


Which drama is? I don’t find it. Perhaps it’s not avaible in my region :sob:


see my message, I put the 2 dramas on there


Oh, sorry, I didn’t se them. And I don’t know why because it’s explained perfectly. I will noted them to watch them :sparkling_heart::people_hugging:

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I don’t know why I missed this one

so we talked about hyde,jeckle & me, and heal me ■■■■ me, be sure to watch this one !!!


I am not sure about this one