Thank you. Oh would you recommend any Japanese group or songwriter? I’m curious.
Not sure if you know any yet, but here goes:
Gackt - Brilliant musician who first became famous as singer of the band Malice Mizer in the late '90’s and later started a great solo career. His very first band was called Cains:Feel, but they broke up after only a demo. However, as a solo artist he is still around.
L’Arc~en~Ciel - The band of Hyde, who’s also known for his solo career and as singer of the band Vamps
Gackt and Hyde also both played in the movie Moon Child, which was written by Gackt.
Onitsuka Chihiro - First discovered her on the OST of The Novelist and Mood Indigo
Jun Togawa
Shota Shimizu
One OK Rock
The GazettE
Mr Children
Mariya Takeuchi
X Japan
I already knew some of them. By the way, two of the songs you posted are on my mobile playlist. Great taste! I couldn’t finish all the videos but thanks to you my compilation is expanding and now I have a movie to watch too. ありー.
Oh, which ones?
Whenever you are by One OK Rock and Plastic Love by Mariya Takeuchi.
And these are some of my favourite Mongolian songs:
For Finnish see also: Music from Finland
WoW! Love This! 정말 좋은! So many idols in this one. Ateez, Bibi, SuperJunior (I see Songwa there. ) Thanks for this. This one wasn’t in my feed. I like that little lion dog critters’ laughter at the beginning.
featuring BIBI??!! In Korean, that’s spelled exactly the same as Vivi should get into this person’s music then I guess
Ah, that’s why I thought I heard your voice!
HENRY Fantastic - Yea it’s 6 years old but still FANTASTIC!
(Somebody is a Henry fan. )
I got a sneaking suspicion that I’m not the only one.
You are correct. He has a great voice and is so talented on the violin and piano.
Definately! And he’s got a nice personality as well:
An medieval cover of Blackpink’s lovesick girls
Just instrumental this time
- Woah! and WoW! and WoW again!
This guy came up on my Spotify feed last night. Such a great voice! And the sound of his music is so different! Jazz? R & B?, Trot? (Yes/No?) with very distinctive elements of Korean traditional music in it. (Must be Indie then) I am not sure what genre his music is but I really like it!
He is most definitely NOT an idol. He mainly stands or sits and sings while moving his arms but in one MV he suddenly galloped around the stage. (No IDOL dance moves here guys.
Spotify has type-cast me already based on my music choices. I already get English and Spanish commercials on Spotify - Egglands mejor, mejor nutrición, mejor sabor.
- Just waiting for Korean commercials now.
이별가 Farewell Song
새파란아이 (Blue Boy)( album Influencer)
This is the onen where he suddenly skips and gallops around the stage.

BAEKHYUN ベクヒョン ‘Get You Alone’ MV
This just dropped Jan 3, 2021
I was just going to post that!! This whole thing was gold, MV and vocals
YouTube now refuses to serve me ads in any form except K-pop music videos, reality/variety shows and other Korean language ads (Grammarly is the only exception ) I don’t know whether I’m watching an ad or the actual video