Ateez is the show champion and Seonghwa is the Ending Fairy today. At least that’s what this sticker says. He wants to be the Atiny firefighter. (After they set the stage on fire in the first place.)
I always loved WayV but after their comeback with Kick back I fell in that fandom again so I’m currently only listening to their new and older comebacks
Oh! Jackson! Poor guy! Your fantasy wife left you for another man!
I love the opening scene. The regulars have mahjong game going, just like my childhood neighborhood! Every neighborhood party had a mahjong game going on somewhere in the house! PONG! lol
New! Mar 25, 2021 LMLY - Leave Me Loving You
Ah… BTS is cookin’ up something - Premiere ‘Film Out’ April 2, 2021