What do you use to eat this? Your hand, a fork, a spoon, a knife, chopsticks, or something else?

I just viewed this post, so cute, and ever so caring. :blush:

so cute, her way of enjoying πŸ’— pic.twitter.com/URlzW7HScv

β€” π‡π€πŠπ”ππ€-πŒπ€π“π€π“π€ (@noworriesbehpy) February 21, 2023

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Looks like it’s been for a while in S. Korea. Here, and in western countries, it’s being declared, as these clips show, based on the timeframe of their postings!

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Karjalanpiraka/Karelian pirogi it’s from Finland the country my mother comes from its not fancy it’s like rice porridge on ryedough. It’s sometimes eaten with eggbutter (boiled eggs mixed with butter)


They remind me of a Jamaican sweet treat! The ingredients are worlds apart.
:coconut: The center ingredients are really different. :rice:


That looks delicious and something I might want to try to make in the summer. Traditional Finnish food is often made so that the person gets full and has the strength to work in what is sometimes a really cold climate (winter time isn’t always fun), so soups, stews and not to forget the swede casserole (rutabaga made in the oven).


Aaaah! Yes! The premise is the same in the island home. :jamaica: Sometimes folks are gone all day long to the fields, school, and work. Due to the heat, and long distances of travel. The street vendors are often a welcome sight, as a result. :blush:

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It’s quite interesting that there are similarities between so different countries but it makes the world feel smaller. I’m going to give that a try in the summer and I will post a picture when I get a hold of a Finnish Easter delicatessen that I suspect there is a similar thing in your country.
β€œMΓ€mmi - Wikipedia” MΓ€mmi - Wikipedia


Hi @maria_lavendula_77 ,
The only thing that comes to mind is a candy. You’ll notice that it also contains molasses, and it too has coconut :coconut: :smile: cc is available in the vid, and I’ve screenshot the ingredients. :wink:


Thank you so much! :heart: That also sounds like something I have to make. I get so happy and inspired by the similarities even when something its slightly different.


Taiwan Night Street Food Markets :taiwan:


Papaya Milk Smoothie :taiwan:


Her experiencing life in Taiwan, :taiwan: verses life in mainland China :cn:
This info is good to know, glad she shared.

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Eating Sticky Rice.